Chapter Eleven

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3rd Person

Riko suggested going to the hot spring to celebrate the team getting through the Preliminaries. The Seirin team are currently soaking in a hot spring relaxing before their first actual game in the Winter Cup. The team is split into gender sections in the hot spring. 

The guys are currently acting like children. Doing this and doing that. Hyuuga sighed but smiled at the team. Giggles were heard by the males from the other side of the wall. "I saw a group of college girls here at the front desk before." Somebody imputed. A grin spread onto Koganei's face and he found his way onto Kagami's shoulders. "What are you doing?" "Isn't it obvious? We have to peek!" Even Hyuuga found his way onto someone's shoulders making Kiyoshi sweat drop. "If Riko's over there, you'll get murdered." Kiyoshi stated. Tetsuya #2 barked and attention was brought to Kuroko. "You know, Aki-san would brutally slaughter everyone here." Shivers ran down all of the males back but that didn't stop them from finding a hole. 

On the other side of the wall, Aki was walking into the water her towel yet to be wrapped around her body. "Let's go!" They shouted enthusiastically. Some looked through the hole some looked over the fence to find Aki standing nude wrapping her towel around herself. Blood rushed out of all of the males noses and Aki realised that they were looking. This made her laugh and tease them by pretending that she was going to remove her towel and go nude again. She then grabbed heavy rocks and started throwing them over the fence. This made them all fall back and bleed furiously through their noses. "What are you guys doing?" A voice grumbled. Looking up they saw their coach and lets just say they got more that a blood nose. 

After dealing with the boys, Riko entered the female section. "Riko-sempai." Aki acknowledged as the brown haired female sank slowing into the water. Silence  filled the air and they simultaneously let out breaths in relief. "May I?" A voice asked. The voice made Aki immediately shift to the opposite side of the hot spring. Riko opened her eyes and saw that it was Momoi. Aki stood up and exited the hot spring area telling Riko, "I'm getting a drink." Riko didn't have enough time to respond because Aki had already left the area. "She hates me." Momoi sighed sinking into the water. "She hates me more than she did in middle school." Momoi continued.


My towel fit snug around my body and I paced to the nearest vending machine with my favourite hoodie hanging off my arm. On the way there I walked passed Taiga-kun. "Aren't you supposed to be relaxing?" I questioned tapping him on the shoulder. He turned to face me and his face went red. "Answer my question Taiga-kun and my face is up here." I sighed pointing up to my face. "I'm getting a drink for Kuroko, he's down there." He told me. "Okay go then." We waved as we headed in opposite directions. I found Kuro-chan laying on the chair with a towel covering his eyes. I lifted his head and placed his head onto my bare thighs as a pillow. He was going to remove the towel but I stopped him from doing so. "It's just me Kuro-chan relax." He instantly relaxed when he heard my voice. "They didn't have any of your pocari, am I right?" He nodded making me smile in remembrance. I closed my eyes and leaned my head onto the side of the vending machine. 

"Here." A voice said. I opened my eyes to find Ao-kun placing a pocari and red bean soup onto the seat. "Thank you so-" Kuro-chan started but stopped as soon as he realised that it wasn't Taiga-kun but Ao-kun. "It's been a while Tetsu, Aki." He acknowledged us as he moved me over and leaned my head onto his shoulder. I wouldn't make eye contact with him. My head beat fastened as I inhaled his familiar scent. "Aomine-kun." Kuro-chan replied as he sat up. "I saw the match. So that's your new skill. Satsuki's been talking about it." Ao-kun said. When he said the sluts name my heart clenched, he didn't need to bring her up. Kuro-chan glanced at me before looking up at Ao-kun and saying, "Yes, it's for fighting against you." Ao-kun chuckled and said, "Sorry but it ain't gonna work." "Shut the fuck up Ao-kun." I growled pushing myself off his shoulder. "Finally, you said something. I thought you were mute or something." "Wow, what an intelligent presumption." He was looking at my breasts again making me sigh. "The winner of the Winter Cup is going to be-" "Us!" Taiga-kun shouted. This made me smile.

"Get your arm off me." Ao-kun grumbled, staring at Taiga-kun's arm that was around Ao-kun's neck. "What are you doing here?" Taiga-kun asked. "Kagami-kun!" Kuro-chan exclaimed. "Saying that you're going to win doesn't mean that you're going to win. You've barely opened your door. Aki's better than you." Ao-kun taunted. "Ao-kun, please shut your mouth." His eyes shot in my direction and once again his eyes traveled up and down my body. He looked over to Taiga-kun and realised that he was doing the exact same thing. This made Ao-kun growl and then Ao-kun's eyes found the hoodie on my arm. Grabbing it from my hold, he put it to his nose and inhaled. "You still have this?" He whispered making shivers run down my spine. Nodding I held my arms out wanting it back. My towel unraveled and Kuro-chan, Taiga-kun and Ao-kun's eyes widened. "Fuck!" I squealed moving my arms to cover my breasts and lower parts. 

Ao-kun ripped off plain coloured t-shirt and placed it over me. I'm not sure why he didn't just throw his hoodie onto me but I didn't complain. I let out a sigh in relief and hugged Ao-kun. "Thank you." Ao-kun smiled at me and slid on his old hoodie making me internally whine or so I thought. "What? You want it back?" Ao-kun snickered at me making me blush. "I want it back." I told him stubbornly. "Nope." "Fine be that way." I turned away and put my arms under my breasts. "Okay, fine." Ao-kun sighed handing back the hoodie to me making me grin and put it on. I flailed my arms back and forth loving the feel of the long sleeves. His phone beeped and he looked at his phone screen. A frown was then etched onto his face. "Gotta go, Satsuki calling me." He told me. This made my blood boil and I punched him in the stomach before walking off.


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