Chapter Fourteen

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Finally the months had passed and it was the morning of the day before Christmas. I have no idea how the Winter Cup had ended because my phone was confiscated and I don't exactly remember everyone's phone number off by heart. Even though I don't know for sure who won, I believe that somehow Seirin would have found a way to beat Aka-kun.

I was looking forward to seeing them. I thanked Kami as I hopped out of bed and got ready for my plane home. Unlike normal days, I was wearing very casual clothing today. My denim skirt and long sleeve shirt. And of course like always my anklet, bracelet, necklace and earrings.  

"Good morning Ryder." I greeted cheerfully when I reached the bottom floor where the kitchen was located. He smiled at me and waved. "You sure seem happy." He noticed pointing at me and my outfit. "Of course! I'm going home." I cheered grabbing an apple and chomping into it. Ryder's eyes lighted up remembering something. "About that. Your parents said that you aren't coming home until Christmas." He input sheepishly. My beatific mood instantly catapulted down and sunk to me feeling crestfallen and then it sharply went up and I felt completely vexed.

Pulling out my phone, I immediately dialed Sebastian and I started ranting.

"Why the fuck am I staying here until fucking Christmas?! I mean I don't want to spend the day mother shot me out of her vagina in a place with no fucking friends! What's the point of staying here anyway? I mean, there are no clients left here. And Christmas is tomorrow! What's the point of staying another day? And no, I'm not going to go find fucking people to waste my time on. It's fucking school holidays and I can't do shit with my friends. I might as well be at fucking school learning the same old shit I did in fucking elementary school."

"Ojou. Your parents have informed me that you are to stay in America until your birthday because they plan on throwing you your sixteenth birthday party there in their main mansion. Your friends of course will be invited Ojou-sama, nothing to worry about. And you do have some company. Adams-sama is there, no? Now Ojou, I've got to go. I'll see you soon."

I threw my business phone onto the floor and felt the need to rip all of my hair out. I noticed Ryder staring at me still with an amused expression. "You know, you haven't gone out for your own leisure not even once since your arrival. Let's go to one of my favourite spots." Ryder suggested grinning. "Why not, I'm already in casual clothes anyway." I agreed and Ryder called for Jeeves to drive us to this place. Jeeves is Ryder's personal butler.

Stepping out of the car, I ended up on a cliff? Can I be one to say, how cliche."Are you going to murder me?" I asked bluntly, with no hint of enthusiasm. "Yes, say your prayers." Ryder smirked hugging me from behind. Sighing, I leaned back onto his chest. "This is actually so cliche." I smiled looking up. We sat there in silence for a while. I thought back to those that I call friends back in Japan. 

"Why is this your favourite place Ryder?" He thought for a while before answering me, "It resembles the place I met the woman I love. We made a promise to get married in the future." This made me grin, how adorable. "She won't mind that you're currently embracing me, will she?" I teased. I felt his body heat up very slightly. "I don't think she'll mind." He replied. This made me this back to Ao-kun and the GoM. 

I missed them. I wonder how many phone calls I have on my legit phone. I'm assuming that Ao-kun and Taiga-kun would be on the top of the list, and maybe Ki-chan too. I miss their stupid smiles. Especially Ao-kun's. Suddenly a light blob went off in my brain and my eyes lit up. "Ryder, is there a basketball court nearby?" I asked eagerly, my eyes beaming. He glanced down at me dubiously but still nodded. "Fuck yes!" I shouted in delight ripping my phone out to find the court on Google Maps. I dragged him following the directions of Google-sama and we had arrived at the court. 

3rd Person

Aki ran onto court like a wild woman. Her entire face beamed as she reached her destination. Approaching the two guys, she tapped them on the shoulder. They both swiveled their heads to face that of hers. "1v2?" She suggested with a bright dimpled smile. This was a shock to Ryder who had froze at the appearance of her dimple. He didn't know she had a dimple. Not many people do, only the Generation of Miracles do. This dimple only came out once in a while when Aki played basketball. 

The two boys Aki had asked to play with, agreed, not being able to say no to her cheery expression. Aki and boy one stood ready to jump for the ball when boy two throws it. Boy two threw the ball up high into the air. Aki instantly reacted and jumped first for the ball with boy one not to far behind. The pair landed back on the concrete from the tip-off and immediately, Aki dribbled towards the hoop. "Let's see if I can still do it." Aki happily murmured to herself. Ryder stared in amazement at the hidden talent of his very close friend. Aki rapidly dribbled the ball quickly getting closer to the hoop. Boy one caught up to her and attempted to steal the ball of Aki but was unsuccessful when Aki dodged it by doing an entire three sixty. Boy two, as quick as he could tried to reach Aki but was abortive, unable to do so.  

A grin spread onto Aki's face and she leaped into the air. Boy one, two and Ryder all stared in shock. How can a girl with her height, jump to such an extent? Well this girl can. "Asteroid smash." She whispered as she came down with her right arm and strenuously dunked the ball into the hoop. She hung off the side of hoop, holding onto it with her right hand. The hoop had visibly bent and did not look like it had a few minutes ago.

In Japan, a group of rainbow haired males flinched and looked up gazed up at the sky. "She's awake." They all whispered in unison. 


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