Chapter One

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3rd person

Sitting alone in a classroom in Kyoto was a red headed boy. He looked at the shoji board contemplating what move to make next. "Change is inevitable huh..." He moved a piece and sighed.

Back to Tokyo, laid a boy with dark ultramarine coloured hair and dark skin in Touou High. He opened his eyes slighting, cringing at the sight of light. "It's been two years. Fuck it's not like I care." He whispered to himself as he sealed his eyes shut.

Also located in Tokyo province was Seirin High. Break they are on now. Using their already drenched towels, they continued to wipe the sweat off their faces. One particular member sat quietly on the edge at the end of the bench by himself. "Two years huh..." The pale blue haired boy murmured to himself gloomily. Best friend of the boy, had red hair. Noticing his friend sitting by himself, he advanced towards the blue haired boy. Feeling audacious, he thwacked his friend on the shoulder. "What the fuck Kagami-kun?!" Kuroko shouted out of character. Everyone else in the gym immediately directed their attention to the pair. The blue haired of the pair stomped out of the room leaving everyone in shock.

Now to the green carrot who goes to Shutoku. "Shin-chan!" Takao ran after Midorima who is walking away from him mumbling something to himself. "Two years huh... Oha Asa said that something that will change my life would happen today..."

To the yellow haired guy of the GoM. "Kasamatsu-sempai! Ohayo!" Kise Ryouta greeted somewhat more cheerful than usual. "Shut up. You're too cheerful today, it's annoying." Kasamatsu stated walking away leaving Kise in shock. " it that obvious?" Kise fake laughed to himself.

But little did they know some was going to happen today that would shock them all.

At the airport, a girl with orange hair walked out inhaling the scent of Japan's air. "It's good to be back." she murmured to herself walking towards the designated spot that her family were going to pick her up.


"Seirin, Oka-san?" I asked eagerly. She nodded and continued her lecture. "Make sure that you always score one hundred percent in everything. I'm sure that you would have learnt many skills over in America so apply that to your learning here in Japan. I expect you to be home by four everyday unless you notify me beforehand. That is all, you may leave." she finished sternly handing me the documents. Sighing I walked upstairs towards my room. "I wonder if I'll see them again..." I murmured to myself. "They probably despise me..."

Morning came and I was now standing in the middle of Seirin with no idea where to go. After multiple rounds around the school, she found her class. I knocked lightly on the door and a male teacher opened the door. "I'm Daiko Aki. Nice to meet you Sensei." I greeted bowing. "Oh! I'm M-minato-sensei. Please wait for a bit." He stuttered walking back into the room. I'm guessing that he was informing the class of their new student, me.

He re-opened the door and smiled at me welcoming. He gestured me to walk into the room and I obliged, following him in. I could already feel numerous eyes gazing upon my beautiful face. Heh, not even conceited. Well, you gotta embrace yourself. Comments from telling me being hot to how abnormal my hair was. Like bruh, my hair is probably brighter than your future. Anyway, I stood in front of my class and smiled at my classmates. Sensei looked at me with a look I knew very well. "I'm Daiko Aki. Nice to meet you." I cut off Sensei from ordering me to do so. Minato-sensei was gonna ask anyone for questions but I didn't want to so I just walked towards a spare seat. Next to me sat a sempai with megane.

Class finished and I wanted to find the basketball club but I obviously had no friends because I didn't like socialising with people that much. I'm guessing somebody realised my dilemma and decided to help. A finger poked me on the side of my right shoulder. I turned around and it was a sempai with short brown hair. I smiled at her and she did so in return. "Did you need any help Aki-san?" She wondered. I nodded and asked her, "I'm looking for the basketball club, do you happen to know where it is?"

Her grin grew bigger by a smidgen. "That's great! Riko Aida, Seirin Basketball Team's coach." I grinned along with hers. She lead me to the front doors of the gym and in we walked. The gym was quite large but still not as big in comparison to the Teiko gym. I informed her of the reason I wanted to be in the club, it was to become their manager. She agreed and gave me a sheet and all to fill out. I was ecstatic and so excited now that I was their manager. Directing me to change room she left me to do exactly that.

I opened one of the spare lockers and placed my bag in their. Grabbing a hair-tie, I threw my hair into a high pony tail. I was practically jumping with joy, so excited to be back to help manage a team. I missed it so much, I mean two years was a long time and I couldn't exactly do that when I was back in America.

Last few things I need were my phone, water bottle and clipboard. I turned around and rushed out the door when I fell down. "Fuck." I groaned rubbing my head. "I'm so very sorry." A soft and yet familiar voice whispered. Internal alarms were going off. Red lights blaring in every nook and cranny of my brain. And lets just say my brain is quite big being smart and all. Rubbing my eyes and opening them, I waited for the appearance of the person I had just ran into. And it was him. "Dai-san?"


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