the text from polly

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I was still crying in my bedroom when my phone went buzz. I looked and I only had one text unread . I glanced over to see who texted me but when I saw I felt like I was going to vomit !!!

It was a text from Polly and if you don't know who Polly is let me tell you. She is the mooost unpopular girl in this whole entire world. Even the moldy slime growing in the school toilets is more popular than her. Anyways I looked at the text she sent me and then I gasped

Hey Selena this is Polly . I know you are probably going to ignore this text but still . I have something to tell you could you please meet me at the library NOW its urgent and also I am aware of all the events that took place today but please come thanks .
I was so confused as was not going to reply to her but then again my popularity is now like the same level as her so I might as well go and see what is soo urgent . so I replied,
Wait who's Polly . Oh wait I remember some loser soz I'm busy.
I know that sounded mean but why I would I want to hang out with that loser, just then my phone buzzed
Hey Selena , this is Polly again . just admit it or not you are a loser now just like me so if you have chances of being friends with anyone its me , sooo you coming or not ???? Believe it or not I was desperate for popularity so I replied , k I'm coming.

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