That's What They Think- Chapter 1

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Jacie's POV

I was slowly making my way home from my best friend, Lacy's, house when it started sprinkling. Yay I love rain. I started spinning around, dancing in the rain. I was soaked by the time I made it to the sidewalk in front of my house. I sighed loudly when I saw my step-father, George's, car in the driveway. Ugh, he's home. Maybe tonight won't be as bad as last night.


The school day was over and I had just walked through the door. George wasn't home yet, so I ran up the big staircase, up to my bedroom. I plopped down onto my big bed and threw my bag over by my whiter desk. I groaned when i realized that i had homework to do. I rolled off of my bed and walked over to my desk. I sat down in my office chair and pulled out my homework.


After a while of working on my homework my door flung open, revealing a dark figure. I jumped at the sound of my door hitting the wall. The dark figure started stalking towards me, the face becoming visible. George. I suddenly found it very difficult to breathe.

I jumped up and started running to the window when a rough hand caught onto my wrist, pulling me back. "Where do you think your going?" George spoke, hatred dripping from his mouth with every word he spoke.

"I-I..." I tried to speak, but I couldn't find any words to say. I was speechless.

"I-I" He said in a mocking tone, "What are you scared? Why? Ha ha! Who cares anyway? No one. No one cares and no one ever will." He pushed me up against the wall, hard. My head flew back and hit the wall. I can already feel the headache starting.

"S-stop" I manage to say while holding back tears. I feel a sting across my face. I fall to the ground, tears threatening to fall.

"You don't tell me what to do." He said through his teeth, "You will listen to me and do what your told. Do you understand me?" He continue, the volume of his voice growing with every word. I quickly nodded my head, only making my headache worse. "Good! Now where was I?" He says smugly, feeling my body up and down again.

And soon he did to me what he does every night.

End Flashback

I shake the terrible thought from my head and opened the front door quietly. I walk passed the big livingroom to see George and a couple of his friends, drunk on the couch. Good, I thought to myself. he will be there for a while. My mom was still at work, she practically lives there now, she's never home and when she is usually asleep in her bedroom.

She has no idea. When she married George, we were all a happy family. That was until I turned 7. Something happened between my mom and George. I may never know what that was, but all I know is that it turned him into a drug and alcohol addict, who does terrible things to many women- and sometimes even little boys- my age, 15, and younger. Sometimes they are older too. I guess that's how he makes his money though, we live in a huge mansion and have just about everthing you could ask for. I don't like what he does for a living, especially since he does it to me as well, but if I were to say anything about it he would hurt me severely-maybe even kill me.

Enough about that subject. For now...

I slowly and quietly made my way passed the big open kitchen, to the huge spiral stair case that leads you to all four stories of the house.  I tip-toed up the staircase, up to the third floor.  I walked into my room and threw my bag onto my bed.  Thank goodness it's already Thursday, I thought to myself.  Tomorrow is Friday and the last day of school before summer break.  You're probably wondering why I'm happy about that, being in my position, being home all the time, but I get to leave for the whole summer and do whatever I want. 

My mom was home Monday night and she told me that she was going to give me money to do whatever I felt like doing this summer.  I turned 17 last month and she thought that this would be a great birthday present, which it is. I can't wait to have a whole summer to myself, not having to worry about keeping my home-life separate from my school-life.

I felt my phone buzz beside me snd saw that it was a text from Lucy.

From Lucy:

Heyyy!!!!!!! ru gonna go to the partysaturday night @ Jake's house???


Jake was the hottest guy at school, most popular, and plus he had a huge crush on me. But I don't really like him that way. We have been friends since grade school and I would not like to have that ruined because of some stupid relationship that ended badly.

From Jacie:

Uh I think so butr idk yet....


That was the best that I could come up with at the time because George probably won't let me go. 

From Lucy:

OK! just tell me if u r able to to come cuz we should toats get ready together!!!


From Jacie:

OK! I'll talk to my parents and see what they say.


From Lucy:



And with that, I threw my phone down on my bed, me following it soon after. 

A light knock on my door caught my attention. My door opened slowly revealing a small looking figure.  The person slowly made their way into my room, the light enabling me to see who was entering my room.  "MOM!" I shouted slightly when realization hit me as to who it was. I jumped up and ran to my mom to guve her a huge hug.

She chuckled lightly, "Hey baby. I missed you too! I have something to ask you though. Why don't you sit down?" This couldn't be good at all.  She had that look on her face that made her seem super serious. 

"Ummm Mom? What is this about?" I questioned, looking at her trying to read her face. Nothing.

"Well, I have a group coming to my work tomorrow and i thought that you might want to go and meet them.  I think they are reakky close to your age, so maybe all of you could be friends or something."

"Okay. That actually sounds fun.  But, what about school?" I asked.

"It's the last day. I highly doubt that you all have something super big and excited going on anyway." She replied. 

"Ok, That sounds like a plan to me!"







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