Chapter Three

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"Annie! Annie!" I yell into the receiver. No sound comes out. Mom rushes to me, with Peeta, Gale, Beetee and Alison right behind her. "Katniss! What's going on?" Peeta grabs me.

"Peeta! Something's wrong! Annie was talking to me! Then the phone went silent! Something's not right! She wanted help! I can't let this go! Finnick would murder me! I cannot let him down!" I cry. He hangs onto me. I can't stop crying. "Katniss. Calm down. I'll handle it. Go home to the kids. Everything will be okay." I cry into his shoulder. He hugs me tightly.

"Katniss. I will walk with you. Posy will want to come too. Plus, I need to check on Haymitch." Hazelle says, walking into the kitchen. Posy is right behind her, nodding fiercely. I smile. Posy is about the same age Prim was. She is much like Prim, except her appearance. Prim had blonde hair and green eyes and was smaller than an average 15 year old. Posy has dark brown hair with natural caramel colored highlights, the Seam grey eyes and is awkwardly tall for her age. She is tall like Gale.

"I'll watch your kids, Katniss. You can talk to Effie. I'll play with Willow and Rye. I could take Jason and David with me too. Maybe even Katniss. Willow would like that. Rye too." Posy smiles. Hazelle starts to walk out the door. Jason, David, and Kat are with Posy. Posy is helping Kat walk without falling. I kiss Peeta and leave.

When I get home, I hear a sound I don't want to hear. Effie screaming. I run inside and find Haymitch on the floor. My kids are crying. Haymitch is not breathing. Hazelle kneels by him, performing CPR. I watch in horror. Haymitch can't die! I shut my eyes.

"Katniss! Open your eyes!" Effie squeaks. I slowly open them. Haymitch is sitting on the sofa, looking okay. He's breathing okay. "Hi sweetheart. Yeah, I'm okay." He sounds like his normal self again.

I sigh. I cannot let Annie out of my head. Willow is pulling on my pant leg. "Mommy. Where did Daddy go?" She whispers. "He went looking for Auntie Annie. He'll be back. I promise." I take Rye from Effie. Willow runs to Posy. She squeals. "Auntie Posy!" Posy grins.

"Katniss. I need to talk with you." Hazelle walks into the room. I nod and walk with Hazelle to the spare bedroom. "Katniss. Haymitch isn't doing well at all. I can't promise he will see your child. And not Willow or Rye. The new one. Yes dear, I know you are expecting. Congratulations. But Haymitch's drinking has started to destroy his body. I think maybe 4-6 months at the most. This was his fourth one in the past 3 days. The first 2 were at his house while I was cleaning. The other 2 were here today."

"Haymitch has to live. He's my mentor. Peeta's mentor. Our mentor. Please Hazelle. He can't die." I mumble. Hazelle hugs me tightly.

I hear a crash in the front room where Posy is playing with Willow, Katniss, David, and Jason and Effie is watching Haymitch. I run out into the other room. Willow is screaming. She is looking out the window. Effie takes Rye from me. I stand by Willow. "Willow. Willow dear. What's wrong honey?" She is staring out the window. I look out the window and see Peacekeepers. And not our usual Peacekeepers. They are dressed in black uniforms.

One of them comes up to the door and knocks. "Miss Everdeen. Open this door." The voice startles me. I feel like I know it from somewhere. I open the door. The Peacekeeper walks inside and pulls the door shut behind himself. He pulls the curtains shut. "Katniss don't freak out. Please don't." The Peacekeeper removes his helmet, revealing the smiling face of Finnick Odair. I scream, "Finnick! You're alive!" He hugs me, "We escaped the mutts underground and found shelter in 13. We've been there for all this time. I missed my son being born and raised. He's almost 10 now. I miss my Annie. Where is she?" I look at him, "Finnick. Can we go to another room?"

He nods and follows me into another room. I explain what happened on the phone earlier. His expression changes, "Annie was having a flashback. She had them a lot back when we were all at 13. They are memories from when Snow held her hostage. I know her too well. We need to tell Peeta to bring both Annie and my son back here. I was always the only one who could calm her. Peeta will get hurt. Annie is dangerous during her flashbacks. Half the time, I couldn't help her without getting hurt. Peeta won't be able to handle her." He pulls out a small box from his pocket, "Cell phone. It's a phone 13 created so we can call people even if we aren't at home." I dial Annie's house. Peeta picks up, "Odair household."

"Peeta. Bring Annie and her son back to 12," I say. "Katniss? Is that you?" Peeta says. "Yes Peeta. It's me. Bring Annie back to 12. And Seth. There's a visitor in our home searching for them. Peacekeepers are crawling all over 12. Be careful, Peeta. Yes, I love you too, bye." I hang up. Finnick looks at me, "His name is Seth, isn't it? My boy's name is Seth?" I nod, "Annie named him Seth Finnick Odair. After her father and you. We all thought you were dead, so she honored you by naming Seth after you. Seth is 10. His birthday is today." A smile grows across his face, "Really? It's my son's birthday! I get to meet my son for the first time on his birthday. And I get to see my Annie." By now, he's crying. "Finnick. They'll understand. It's your family. They love you. You are all Annie used to talk about."

Suddenly, I hear the door open in the front room. Finnick runs out after putting his helmet on. I follow after him. Peeta limps in, following a rabid Annie and a grumpy Seth. He's got bruises all over, and his face is bleeding all over. Annie is yelling and screaming. Peeta is trying to contain her. Seth runs over to me. I hug him. Finnick walks up to Annie, "Annie. Honey calm down." He pulls his helmet off. She stops fighting Peeta. "Finnick... FINNICK!!!!" She kisses him and starts crying, "I thought you were dead! Oh my god! I love you so much!"

Seth looks up at me, "Auntie. Who is that?" I smile, "That's your dad, Seth." He looks at me, "No. Katniss. You're wrong. My dad is dead. He died before I was born." Seth is like a young male version of his mother. He has her hair and stature. He has his dad's eyes and does payment in secrets. They all are from District 4 so they all have the love for swimming and water.

"Seth. Come here honey. I want you to meet someone special," Annie smiles. Seth walks over. "Hi Seth. I'm your dad, even though I haven't really done my job," Finnick smiles. Seth's expression changes, "This is sick! Dad died years ago! Mom! Why do you always lie to me? I'm only 10! I don't deserve that! He's dead! This isn't my dad! You're getting married to this guy! But he's not ever going to be my dad!" Annie's smile fades, "Seth. This is your dad. I would never ever lie to you. Honey. I promise. I won't lie. I'm not lying Seth. I promise this is your father." Seth agrees eventually and hugs his father.

Peeta stumbles over the front mat. I run over to him, "Peeta. You need help. Honey. Let me go get Mom. She'll be able to help." He groans, "Katniss. I tried. Seth was hidden. I couldn't find him. Annie knocked out my front teeth. I eventually found Seth in the bunker below the house. He was hiding because he was scared. I coaxed him out and had him go with Alison. I went back in the house and tried to contain her. I kinda got hurt during that. Can I lay down? Oh god. I'm going down!" He says as his legs give out. I try to support him. Haymitch moves into a chair. I lay Peeta on the couch. He relaxes. "Peeta," I gently say, "Open your mouth, dear." He listens and carefully opens his mouth. In the front, the front four teeth are gone. It's a bloody disaster. "Posy. Run and get my mom. Quick," I yell into the other room. She gets up and runs out the door.

Moments later, she comes back with Mom and Gale. She has a bucket of water and a washcloth. "Katniss. What happened?" Mom asks. "Annie was having flashback. Peeta got too close and fist to face happened," I say. She just sits and wipes his face off. I drift off, rubbing Peeta's hand.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter! I went and saw Mockingjay Part 2 this past Sunday! It was amazing! The feels were unreal though! I don't normally cry over movies but I did for this one. Please vote, follow, and comment! Tell me what you want and what you think! I wanna know! Love you guys! Stay nerdy!


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