Chapter Eleven

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Katniss' POV:

(5 days later)

I wake up feeling well rested. No nightmares or anything.

"Katniss. You're awake!" His voice calls from my right.

I roll onto my side and sit up. I see Peeta on my right and Willow on my left.

"I didn't think you'd wake up," Peeta sighs. He looks super tired and sore.

"The last thing I remember is falling asleep. What happened?" I ask groggily. My voice is scratchy.

"You had a nightmare. Colleen sedated you. You've been asleep for 5 days. She removed your IV 4 days ago. I thought I was going to lose you," He whimpers.

"5 days! Is Willow okay? Are you okay?" I ask as he grimaces.

He watches me carefully, "Willow had her surgery. She was doing fine so Alder moved her up here. Joy had to take me back for emergency surgery. My stub was infected so she removed the infected part and the port. It's been 5 days but the process is slow. Haymitch, Effie, Prim, and Jo have been taking turns on watching Rye, sitting here with the three of us, and taking care of the bakery. I hired Hawthorne at the bakery and he's kept up with it."

Colleen walks in, "Katniss. You're awake. That's good. How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good, actually," I get up and walk over to Peeta's bed, sitting on the edge.

"This is a really good sign. You're 27 weeks. I'll probably take them at 39 weeks as long as there isn't any complications. I've been monitoring them and they are doing fine," She says.

Peeta rubs my back. He's breathing heavily.

"Colleen. Can you get Joy?" I ask quietly. He doesn't seem to have any painkillers in him right now. I don't want him hurting.

"Sure," Colleen walks out of the room as Joy comes in.

"Peeta. Are you in pain?" She asks, removing the old bag of medicine and attaches a new one.

"Not really. I think I'm okay. I don't need more. Joy please. No more. I can't be like this. Please," Peeta starts to cry.

"Peeta, what can't you be like? Honey, don't cry. It hurts to see you like this," I spin around and hug him.

"Kat, I see my family. Behind you. No! They're going to take me away!" He screams and pulls away from me.

"Peeta! Calm down," Joy urges, grabbing his arm.

"Let go of me, Mother!" He screams, pulling away from her.

I grab him tightly, "Peeta! Calm down! It's just Joy! You're okay!"

Seeing him like this is absolutely horrifying. He is usually so strong. It might be the medication but I'm not so sure. He thinks Joy is his mother.

"Katniss. You can leave. I don't want anything to stress you out. He'll be fine," Joy says, struggling to hold Peeta down.

I leave and run into Prim, "Prim!"

"Katniss, you're awake! Where's Peeta? Is he okay?" Prim asks hugging me tightly.

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