Chapter Four

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While Peeta's asleep, I can't relax. Finnick's alive and well. Gale is paralyzed from the waist down. Peeta is missing four teeth. Haymitch is dying. Mom misses Prim. I do too. We are all falling apart.

"Mom. Will Daddy be okay?" Willow asks, tugging on my pant leg. I nod, "He'll be okay." She sits back down with Posy. Mom grabs my hand. She pulls me into the kitchen, "Katniss. What's wrong?" I can't hold back the tears. I bawl, "Mom. I can't handle this. Gale, Peeta, Finnick, Haymitch, Prim. My heart can't handle this. Why did we have to lose her?"

"Katniss. We never really lost her. She's here. In spirit form," Mom hugs me. "No one found her body, right? What if she's alive? In 13!?!" I exclaim.

I run out to Finnick, "Finnick! Is Prim in 13?" He smiles, "She's head doctor. She took care of me once I got back to 13. Coin's henchmen were the mutts. They were costumed. They captured all of us that were down in the tunnels that supposedly died. That was a mutt Coin created to look like Prim that you saw at the President's Mansion. Prim was at 13 the whole time. They altered her memory. She thought you were in your room in 13 the whole time. We sat and talked for hours. She was like my little sister. She heard about this mission and told me to volunteer for it. So I could find you guys."

"How old is she now?" Mom asks coming into the room. "25. She found a man in 13. They've been dating for 5 years. She says they can't get married 'til she's back here," Finnick says. "Finnick," I say, "bring her back. And the man too. Please. Wait. Can I come?"

Finnick looks at me, "I think so. I doubt Paylor will care." He kisses Annie, "Do you still have the Mockingjay outfit?" I nod. "Put it on. Bring your bow and sheath, too," Finnick says, hugging Seth. I run upstairs and quickly change. Then, I dash downstairs. I hug Willow and kiss her, Rye, and Peeta. Finnick and I then walk outside.

Finnick pulls his helmet on and we walk to the hovercraft. Once Finnick and I are inside, he pulls off his helmet and walks to the driver's compartment. Soon the hovercraft takes off. "We'll be there in about 5 minutes," Finnick says, collapsing in the seat on my right. "Thank you, Finnick," I kiss his cheek. He smiles, "Katniss. You know, if I didn't have Annie, I would want you. Even though I'm so much older. But you have Peeta."

As we land in 13, my heart is racing. I haven't seen Prim in 10 years. Finnick and I run to the elevator. He pushes a button and the elevator forces us up. "Finnick. This is fast. It didn't use to be this fast, did it?" I ask as we get off the elevator. Finnick merely shakes his head. He leads me to the hospital. "Where's Prim? Monica, where's Prim?" He asks a nurse. She points to a door, "She's with a patient. She should be out momentarily. You can wait here, Finnick." I'm standing in the hospital. Waiting on my little sister who is alive. I start crying quietly.

Soon a woman comes out of a room. Finnick walks to her. He whispers something to her. She looks at him, then at me. Then they walk to me. "Katniss?" She whispers. That voice. "Prim," I hug her. She starts to cry. "Don't cry, Prim. Please," I mumble. "I'm going home. I'm taking him with me. Monica, tell Cassie she is head doctor. I'm moving back to 12. I'm going to go grab my things. I'll be back in 10 with Ben and all of our things," Prim disappears before my eyes.

Finnick and I decide to go to his room so he can grab a few things. We meet Prim as we walk out of his room. "Katniss. This is Ben Hawthorne," She points to the man on her left. "Benji? Is that you?" I ask. He looks at me, "Katniss. How's Gale and Posy?" He says. I shrug, "We should be going." We walk to Hangar 4. The hovercraft is waiting. I climb on first. Prim sits beside me. She leans on my shoulder.

Soon we are back in 12. I get up. Prim, Ben and Finnick follow me. We start walking to the Victor's Village. Prim is basically hanging on Ben. She's happy. Finally we get to my house. I go in first. Everyone else follows.

Once inside, Willow is hugging me. Finnick walks over to Annie and Seth. "Wait. Where's Mom, Hazelle, Alison, and Gale?" I ask. "They went to your Mom's house. To talk to Beetee about Gale," Effie says. Posy looks up. "Benji!" She exclaims. She gets up and runs to him. "Posy!" He hugs her.

"Katniss. You're a mutt! You're a mutt! YOU'RE A MUTT! YOU ARE A PREGNANT MUTT! I NEVER LOVED YOU! YOU'RE A MUTT!" Peeta yells when he wakes up. His eyes are no longer blue. They are grey. I'm dazed from what he said when he gets up and punches me in the face. Finnick holds him down. "Finnick be careful!" I mumble. "Run Katniss! Everyone go! Go to your Mom's house. Take the kids. Haymitch, Effie you guys go too! I'll be there soon! Go!" Finnick yells, holding Peeta down. I grab Rye from the play pen. Posy gets the twins, Kattie and Willow rounded up. Prim takes Willow. Ben takes the twins. Posy takes Kattie. Annie has Seth. Effie is supporting Haymitch. We run out the door. "To our old house, Prim! That one! Yes!" I yell to Prim who is in front.

Once at Mom's, I slump onto the couch. Finnick runs inside the house, "I locked him inside your house. He will calm down within an hour. We will stay here. It's safe here." Annie kisses him. All the kids sit quietly. I cuddle Rye. Prim kisses Ben. "Katniss. Is that one yours?" She asks me, pointing at Rye. I nod, "This one and Blondie down there." Willow looks up and grins, "Mom. Who is she?"

"She's one of my best friends. And my sister. That's your Auntie Prim," I say, hugging Prim. Mom wanders in the room, "Primrose. Oh my god, you're alive." She starts crying. Prim hugs her, "Mom, don't cry." I get up. I'm gonna start crying if I don't leave. I walk to the kitchen. Gale, Alison, Hazelle and Beetee are sitting at the table, speaking quietly.

I walk to the back door and leave. Mom had Peeta plant a garden here 10 years ago. It's beautiful. Even though there are mostly herbs, I love it. I sit in a chair at the small table and start crying. I let everything go. I cannot handle this stress, especially being pregnant. I don't even remember hearing or seeing Annie sit across from me.

"Katniss. Peeta calmed down. Finnick checked on him. He's okay. Let's go," She smiles. I get up and start walking slowly. Posy has all the kids together. I look at her. We exchange a glance. She gets up and grabs Rye. The kids follow her. I take Rye and leave. Posy has the kids behind me. When we get to the house, the door is unlocked.

I cry as soon as I walk inside. Peeta's wrists and ankles are shackled. He's laying barely conscious on the sofa. He looks broken. Like last time. It's been 4 years since the last time. He was broken for months. I can't let that happen again. Not with two kids here and one on the way.

"Take the shackles off," I say bluntly. My tears are still falling silently. Finnick removes them without question. I sit in a chair, watching Peeta. Rye is asleep in my arms. The kids are playing quietly with Posy. Finnick is hugging his family. "Katniss. Get some rest. I can watch Rye. Go ahead," Posy says quietly. I nod and hand her Rye. Quietly, I go up the stairs and lay down. I can't believe today is almost over.

I put my hands around my stomach. It's quite large. This time feels different. I know it does. I sigh. I'm tired. I fall asleep without any struggling.


Hey Guys! I hope you enjoy this! Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish Readers! Christmas is coming soon! I can't wait!! I'll try to get another chapter up for Christmas! Comment, vote and follow! Love you guys! Stay nerdy!


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