trip to paris

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demitries side-------->

i have to pack up for the class trip to paris. the good thing was that my friends amber and emma anre coming. bad thing was justins tour date to paris was the same as our trip.

well, the flight is over! thank you god! were in paris and the sights are beautiful! and lots of french hotties to keep me from thinking of you know who.

"wow, i call dibs on the blondie over there!" emma whispers. pointing to a blondie with a white shirt and black skinny jeans with a pair or reading glasses. (nerdy look).

"i call dibs on that hottie over there." amber says pointing to a guy with brown hair, blue jeans, and a blue colour shirt.

"ooh lala!" i said pretending hes cute.

"who do you pick, demi?" amber asked.

"yeah! who do you pick, demi?" emma repeats.

"i just said that!" amber yells.

"uh, that guy." i said trying to get them off my back.

"that guy with brown hair and a purple shirt?" amber asked.

"yeah, that guy with..." emma tried to say but amber cuts her off.

"SHUT-UP EMMA!" amber shouts.

"yeah, i guess." i said.

"ok... go talk to him then." amber insists.

"i dont think i should." i said.

"dont be stupid, demi! you can get justin off your mind if you talk to him." amber said trying to convince me.

"well, ok." i said.

"finnaly, make sure you dont tell him we made you, ok?" amber said.

"but only if you talk to (your man). ok?" i offered them a deal.

"deal!" amber and emma yelled at me.

i walked toward the guy, he looked pretty hot up close. i tapped him on his shoulders and he turned around. i didnt look at his face because i was nervous.

"hey, whats up?" i asked very calm.

"oh nothing... demi!?!" he said.

sounded familliar, so i looked up. it was justin.

"uh, hey, sorry. thought you were a hot guy." i said.

he hugged me, or i hugged him. i dont really know. but i didnt want to let go. then i thought of him leaving me then i pushed him away.

"whats wrong?" justin asked. "arent you happy to see me?"

"you left me. i cried every night because of you!" i said.

"sorry, but i had to, you know i dont like letting my fans down!" he said.

"so you hate me that much, you rather let me down?" i asked proving a point.

"demi! i never wanted to hurt you like that. sorry!" he said.

"i have to go. dont bother calling me, or anything. id rather be alone." i said with a tear or two.

i ran past amber and  emma, ignoring them screaming and running after me. i dont know were i planned of going, but i wanted to go somewere far from everyone. just to be alone.


making more chapters! yay almost done! then i might make a sequel! might...

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