Reckless and the Brave

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Cora's P.O.V.

My brother has been talking to the whore, I mean Kate, for years. She's definitely not the type of person my brother is usually into. It almost seems as though she has something held above him, but why the fuck would he tell her and not me? If it's that he's gay I swear I will hit him, we all know, he's not exactly subtle. Plus he may be my brother but he's too good looking to be straight. Seriously puberty hit him twice, and like a fucking freight train. Sure I guess the girl is pretty but Stiles is much cuter and more suited to Derek's taste. Meaning he has a dick, Derek craves the D. I'm gonna get Derek Stiles if it's the last thing I do, but first I'm gonna let Stisaac play out. I guess Alli can tell I'm distracted because she grabs my arm and pulls me close successfully distracting me in a different way. Just as I get lost in her eyes I hear Kate's disgusting hyena laugh. It almost ruins the mood I've set until Allison brushes my lips with her own.  Damn this girl can kiss, and as nice as the moment is I can feel a harsh glare searing the back of my head. Softly pushing Allison away and turning around I see Kate sending a hateful, disgusted glare. "Hey fuck off, haven't you ever seen two hot girls kiss? You watch enough lesbian porn don't you, stop staring!" Allison hollers louder than necessary but definitely having the desired effect as eyes are averted. 

Lydia's P.O.V. 

Naturally, Jackson and I are the best dressed, my peach colored flowy dress hitting my calves at the perfect angle. Jackson, of course, has peach accents on his silver-gray suit. I haven't seen Stiles and Isaac yet but I personally picked Stiles' outfit, so I know the boy looks mighty fine. I didn't realize my eyes had closed until they snap open at the sound of Kate's shrill, hyena cackle. "I heard the wicked bitch, let's go pretend to be nice." I grin pulling Jackson along with me. I feel Jackson shudder at my grin as he willing follows knowing full well he has no choice. I never understood why Derek even hung out with her, it's not like he has issues making friends. "Hey Lyds, you look great." Derek says fidgeting as Kate grips his arm uncomfortably. "You say that like it's new." I playfully jibe in return, Kate's face scrunches in a decidedly unattractive manner. The grip Kate has on his arm looks painful, her claws appear to be digging into the skin beneath his signature leather jacket. She's wearing a skin-tight, tacky, red leather dress, clearly trying to catch Derek's attention. Looking back up at Derek I realize he's staring in the direction of the doors, I wonder what's caught his eye. I follow his line of sight to a lean male figure, clad in tight leather pants, a red button-up, and matching leather vest. 

Stiles' P.O.V. 

I can't believe I let Lydia pick out my outfit, this is humiliating, I look like a huge dork. Oh my fucking god, I look like a dork and my date is coming to pick me up. I can't do this right now, shit he's here.  "Stiles, Isaac is here!" dad hollers from the base of the stairs. I check my hair and give myself a once over itching to take out the contacts Lydia had me wear. Here goes everything, I slowly make my way down the stairs. "Okay, I'm ready." I whisper standing on the very last step near the front door. Isaac is standing there in simple black skinny jeans, a white v-neck, and his leather jacket that signifies his place as a friend of Derek Hale. He spends the next ten minutes gawking at me, come on I can't look that different.  "If you're done staring you two should get going. "dad says awkwardly. Snapping out of his gaze, Isaac offers me his arm. Taking it we make our way out to his slightly beat up truck. The look of the truck just plays up his boy next door look.  "So, are you excited about the dance?" Isaac questions, voice reaching a strange pitch. "To be truthful I wasn't going to go, thank you for agreeing to go with me." I replied giving him a soft smile. His cheeks turn an adorable dawn-tinted color, and he coughs casually wiping his hands on his pants. We soon pull up to the school, Isaac getting out to open my door like a true gentleman. He intertwines our fingers as we head towards the gym doors.

Derek's P.O.V.

Lyds is being strangely civil, it's obvious that she did something. Just then the door of the gym swung open, the crowd hushing itself like one of those bad teen movies Cora makes me watch with her. Kate was becoming more and more irritable the longer we stood with my friends, I think it was the sickeningly sweet smile Lydia was giving her. It was just this side of condescending that only her and Stiles can pull off to perfection. "Der would you go and get me something to drink?" Kate asks smiling in a way that bothers me. I nod turning away with a scowl, only to make direct smoldering eye contact with Stiles. Who at this moment looks like sex, his ass in those pants would make anyone who saw it drop to their knees and thank God. His arms in the vest and red silky looking button down were nearly orgasmic, I must have looked like an idiot just standing there staring because the next thing I knew Isaac was very obviously clearing his throat. "Hey Derek, whatcha doing?" Isaac inquires tilting his head as though he's a small confused dog. I feel my face heat up turning my head in the other direction I stutter out my response. "I was attempting to find my way to the refreshment area but I got a little distracted by something." I scratch the back of my neck hoping to look awkward and confused. 

Jackson's P.O.V.

Lydia has the smile she gives the underclassmen at school, the one that says the person she's in the presence of is beneath her. Right now that person is Kate, what in the holy fuck is she wearing. This is a high school dance, not a street corner. She really should know better, Derek will never look at her the way she wants him to. He's been pining after Stiles since we can remember, he's been friends with Cora forever. They literally grew up together they were bound to fall in love. Not to mention that there's something off about that girl, I have a bad feeling about tonight. Speaking of bad, I wonder where McCall is? He probably got too embarrassed to come to the dance stag. Knowing him it wasn't because he feels bad about what happened earlier with Stiles. Lydia's voice rings out interrupting my angry thought process. "So what do you have on Derek that he's decided it's worth it to have your skank ass draped all over him?" She speaks just loud enough that Kate and I can hear, extracting an irritated shriek from the girl the comment was directed towards. She grins maliciously at Kate's reaction, twirling the ends of her hair between her fingers.  "I can guarantee whatever it is, I already know sweetie." Kate pales considerably at this before turning a startling red. Is she going to explode, because this suit was expensive and I don't know if can get whore out of this material?  

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