McCall? Whittemore? Stiles!

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Cora's P.O.V.

I stroll through the food court in hopes of finding Scott, because seriously I lost him within the first five minutes of being at the mall. The boy is like a puppy, sees something move and follows it. I roll my eyes spotting him staring unabashedly at a boy with curly hair. God, he needs help being less of a creeper, like a lot because Curls is shooting him pretty weirded out looks. "Yo Scotty you creepin' again?" I shout from my spot at a Mexican food stand, snorting I turn just as Scott lets out and embarrassed squeal. "I wasn't creeping, I swear!" he shrieks still eyeing Curls. "You were staring in a weird manner and attempting to hide behind a cart, that's creeping." Curls deadpanned. I huff out a laugh turning to the boy, "Damn I like your attitude Curls." I snicker raising my brow. The boy sniffs, smirking in a terrifyingly awesome way, "My name's Issac, not that your creepy friend deserves to know." Issac huffs in reply. He's clearly still amused by Scotty-pups behavior, "Well now that you met Scotty here, names Cora." I drawl. Issac looks particularly unfazed as he replies "Yeah I'm aware, you're Baby Hale.". Rolling my eyes I cock my hip and mockingly flip my hair, "I suppose I better live up to all the hype." I sigh. I know by the look on Scott's face that I have the 'Hale smirk' pasted across my lips. Issac surprisingly gives an equally mischievous smirk in return, I almost clapped my hands out of sheer joy. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." I state grin becoming wider as he responds, "Mischief managed.". Hmm, he's definitely someone I'll get along with. "Outstanding." I purr in a mock-seductive voice. "Always." Issac purrs in return extending his hand. Enveloping his hand with mine we hear a choking sound, whipping our heads around we see Scotty staring intensely, eyes bulging at epic proportions. Though amusing we should talk to him before he has an aneurysm. I hear Issac's resolve break bursting into laughter, "Hey Creepy you dying?" he asks breathlessly from laughing. I slap his arm, if only in an attempt to not chortle myself. "Hey, is that Stiles?" Scott wheezes getting up off the floor.

 Scott's P.O.V.

 Watching Cora and Issac's display was both interesting and disturbing, on one hand, they could be great friends. On another they could become accomplices, I shudder just thinking about it. They are like the Weasley twins but scarier, and the not siblings and not gingers. Wow, I manage to ramble on in my head too, no wonder no one listens to me talk. "Scotty are you done your inner monologue?" Cora asks jabbing me in the side. "Yeah Creepy you were staring off into nothingness." Issac retorts flicking my earlobe gently. I yank my head away from the motion, he does not need to know what that does to me. "I saw Stiles, he totally ditched us but I saw him just now with Lydia Martin." I sigh. Why would he ditch us, I mean it's not like he's actually friends with them? "Ooh, we should go over there." Cora drawls smooth, seductive tone present. I can feel my brows scrunch in confusion until, oh. OH OH OH. "YOU LIKE ALLISON!" I screech in shock. She pales and her hand connects with the side of my face, the movement smooth. The sound of skin on skin reverberates throughout the small cove of food stands we find ourselves in. "You stupid asshole, you didn't have to yell it! Who knows how many damn people heard that?" she seethes hand clenched into a tight fist. I whimper, giving her my patented puppy eyes in apology. "Those fucking things don't work McCall." she whispers. "I'm so sorry, I'll buy you food!" I yell in fear that she'll hit me again. For a small girl, she hits really damn hard. "Okay." she replies grinning helping me up. I look at her in confusion, why is she so happy all of a sudden? No, no really she was playing me? She HIT me, in the face, HARD. "That was a nice play, but was the hitting necessary?" Isaac asks smirking. Cora grins in response, "But of course otherwise it wouldn't have been believable.". Instead of being shocked Issac extends his arm to her, "To the food court my beautiful accomplice." Oh god, I'm scared. 

 Stiles' P.O.V.

 Hmm could have sworn I saw Scott and Cora just now, oh well he'd just come bitch at me. I sigh continuing to stuff my curly fries into my mouth, in what I'm betting is an extremely unattractive manner. "Stiles! Hey Stiles!" I hear a familiar voice yell, speak of the devil. "Scott, what are you doing here?" I try to ask inconspicuously. "We had plans, instead you're hanging out with Martin and her crew?" he states scowl on his face. Wow, am I not allowed to have other friends? "What's wrong with our crew McCall?" Jackson sneers putting an arm around my shoulder. I roll my eyes, god this is going to become a pissing contest. "You're a bunch of stuck up assholes, I don't know why you have to play with Stiles feelings, make him think you're actually his friends." Scott sneers back. My eyes widen, oh hell to the no, he did not just say that they'd never actually be friends with me. I scoff, "Who the hell do you think you are? All you do is bitch to me about your problems, eat my food and make fun of my clumsiness. they've been better friends in a couple hours than you have in almost two years!" I snarl, voice low with anger. Scott reels back as though I've hit him, no he doesn't get to pull the victim card. "Stiles-" I cut him off, "If you ever use that tone around my friends again you will regret it if you ever imply that I'm too big of a loser for people to be friends with again I will make you swallow those words. Talk to me when you get your head out of your ass, it's really not a hat." I sigh anger seeping out slowly being replaced by hurt and self-doubt. I feel my body being pulled into a warm embrace, I feel something shaking when the embrace tightens I realize it was me shaking. Well shit, I sniffle just letting myself cry. "Hey, hey it's okay he's busy walking around with an unattractive ass-hat remember?" Jackson soothes rubbing my back in circular motions. "What the hell happened?" Cora's silky voice asks running a hand through my hair. "Scott's an asshole, that's what happened." Jackson deadpans hand still fluttering across my back. I swear I can hear Cora rolling her eyes, "Of course, he seems to think that Stiles is some sort of social pariah and that we're going to be his only friends for life." she scoffs. I'm done with him, I swear it. Jackson humming his affirmation is the last thing I hear before my eyes drift shut. 

Issac's P.O.V.

 That was interesting, I mean I love Cora but Scott's kinda self-absorbed. I don't like people like that, he needs to learn a thing or two before I can ever be his friend. Although that Stiles kid definitely held his own against Scott, snarky and cute. Definitely cute, I wonder if he'd consider going out with me? It's worth a shot, so worth a shot just looking his eyes for a few seconds earlier was amazing. This liquid honey, aged whiskey color so all in all ridiculously beautiful. Great, I'm as bad as Scott. No, I'm better than Scott, hmm I could totally befriend Stiles. Maybe more than befriend if I really turn on the charm. Erica would be proud, that reminds me she was supposed to meet us here. Oh well, she probably found Lydia and Alli, that kinda terrifies me. Could be worse, she could have met Cora. I shudder, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that the three of us could take over the world. I grin most likely creeping out Cora and Jackson. "What you thinking about Issac?" Jackson asks smoothly despite his shit-eating grin. "Cora, Erica, and I all together in one place." I reply smug, waiting for the inevitable look of horror to cross his features. I'm not disappointed as his eyes widen to comedic levels, as I watch him fully body shiver at the mere prospect. "Oh I've met Erica, she and stiles are platonic soulmates." Cora says grinning maniacally. I laugh, I can totally picture that. Scary but definitely sexy, so sexy. Erica's long blond locks gripped between Stiles long, strong fingers. I almost groaned aloud at the thought, I need to stop being such a horny teenage boy. At least I don't currently have competition.  I sigh turning my head to stare longing at Stiles sleeping form. Beautiful, complete and utter perfection. I'm so fucked. 

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