What Happened?

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Cora's P.O.V.

After the incident with the people gawking at us whilst we danced I couldn't help but blush. She kissed me, this perfect girl actually kissed me. Holy hell, I've had a thing for her for a while but I never thought anything would happen. I'm so fucking lucky. Okay, I'm composed, I can focus on keeping a conversation going. I'm a female Hale, I have no excuse for poor romance skills. The sheer quantity of stories uncle Peter could tell you about how socially awkward our parents were is insane. Dad fucked up so many times but I think my favourite story is from their high school senior year. They were stood in the same line and Dad heard Mom talking to her friends, he whispered something along the lines of "God I love your sass.". The issue was that mom happened to hear his stupid ass. He panicked and honest to god squealed "Nothing, I said you're gross and have a flat ass!". As far as I'm concerned I'll be fine as long as I don't pull a Dad move, despite the fact that it clearly worked out in the end. "So, that kiss was something else." I awkwardly cough out. Fuck, I didn't mean to say that, well I meant to say it just not like that. Allison didn't even blush, she just turned her devastating grin towards me. "It was definitely something, something I hope we can research and expand upon." she whispered coyly. I wrap my arms around her shoulders, our height difference isn't so great that it's impossible, and pull her into a searing kiss. See, I'm a female Hale, we always get what we want. I'm hoping this means that Allison is my girlfriend now, if she doesn't want to be that's fine too. She's not obligated to date me just because we've half ass decided we like each other. I'm not entitled to anything from her. "So, wanna date me?"Allison asks, not missing a beat. I'm pretty sure I nodded embarrassingly quickly.

Chris's P.O.V.

The aisles in this grocery are much more confusing than they used to be when I was a teen. I just need some damn bread, now everything is labelled for gluten free whatever. I want regular, sliced whole grain bread, not gluten free flax shit. As I'm pondering the idiocy of the people who arranged this store I somehow manage to not see the very attractive face of the town Sheriff as I crash into his cart full of groceries. Luckily nothing gets knocked out, but I can feel my face flush with an embarrassing heat. "Sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that. I was just confused about bread." I ramble waving around the loaves of bread in my hands. The sheriff wheezes a little as he stifles a laugh, moving to take the bread from my hands and puts them away. "Easy there tiger, no need to violently launch the bread." he laughs. I stare at him feeling slightly confused, and I still can't find the damn bread. The sheriff nods at me with a crooked smile and continues on his way. I find my eyes drawn to his shapely behind, shaking my head I look at the shelf and belatedly realize I overlooked the bread the first three times I walked through this aisle. I huff loudly, grabbing the right bread and finally taking my cart to the checkout. The sooner I get home the sooner I can sit in front of the television and watch that pre-recorded show Allison watched with that red headed friend of hers. What was it called again America's Next Dog Model? No that doesn't sound right,never mind it's the only thing that really plays on the channel the satellite is currently switched to. I don't leave it on this channel because I don't know how to work the remote or anything stupid like that. Allison thinks I'm technologically impaired, but really it's because I'm lazy and kind of like the shows my daughter watches.Speaking of my daughter, I wonder how the dance is going, she mentioned it earlier this week and seemed pretty excited.

Kate's P.O.V.

Who does that ginger bitch think she is, telling me of all people that she knows more than I do? I could ruin Derek's reputation, and she wouldn't be able to stop me. Everyone would know how disgusting he is. I won't because that would ruin my plan, Derek will be mine and maybe I'll be able to cure him of his sickness. Why wouldn't he want me, I'm beautiful, my body is perfect, I'm smart? What could any male he could ever want have that I don't have, he wouldn't even be able to have his own kids. It's just unnatural to live that way, why does he want to condemn himself to hell. If that preppy little brat thinks she knows the same as I do she's got a screw loose. They'll all be sorry if they keep pushing me, and the twink with the glasses has another thing coming if he thinks he can swoop in and steal Derek from me. I've seen the way Derek looks at him when he thinks no one is paying attention, something has to be done about that. I have half a mind to march back to that girl and let her know exactly what I know, bet that would shut her up. With that thought my mind is made up, I straighten my skin tight dress and hold my head up high as I strut back towards them. They won't know what hit them when I tell them, they'll be so shocked and they'll abandon him and he'll have no choice but to be with me. I gracefully flip my hair over my shoulder,making my way over, smug look on my face. "Oh look, I didn't know the trash could grow legs and come back." the tiny ginger smirked.I completely ignore her, superior grin becoming even wider. "The only trash I've seen here is that dweeby asshole and your faggy friends. I know for a fact that you have at least two and I can guarantee that tall, dorky and stupid is just as faggy as Mahealani and Der Bear. The only difference is that I have a chance at healing Derek of his sickness." I sneer getting in her space. I'm pretty certain that I've won until I feel a small fist hit my face with a sickening crack.

John's P.O.V.

Easy there tiger, really where the hell did I get my flirting from? Who am I kidding, my mother was just as bad. I'm where Stiles gets it from,and he's something else, god I love that boy. Don't let anyone fool you, being an adult doesn't mean that I'm any better at flirting than anyone else. In fact, I know what to say and what not to say but clearly do the wrong one more often than not. I haven't been attracted to a male since high school, before I met Claudia. It's been so long do I even know how to date? In theory I do, but do I remember how to put it into practice? I remember Chris from high school, I wasn't exactly popular, but I wasn't an outcast. I did a bit of track and kind of ended up hanging out with other students that liked English literature. Chris was cute back then, he definitely aged well because he was an entire different kind of attractive now. I met Peter Hale through Chris, they were in the same chemistry class as Melissa. God it was so easy back then, or at least easier and kids of our own weren't a factor. It's weird to think that we've known each other for that long but didn't really hang out an awful lot. I had a little bit of a crush on Chris back then, before Claudia crash landed her way into my life. It's been almost nine years, I think she'd want me to move on. Stiles and Scott used to hope that Mel and I would get together so they could be bothers, but we're too close for there to be any romantic feelings for each other.But maybe Chris and I could be something. I'm shocked out of my thoughts by a sudden, violent buzzing coming from my work phone."Hey, sorry to bother you Sheriff but a fight has broken out at Beacon Hills High." Stiles what the hell did you do?

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