God Damn It McCall!

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Lydia's P.O.V.

I never thought I'd say this but, I'm actually tired of shopping. "Okay that's it we're done I refuse to go on any further!" I announce, grandly of course. Allison stares at me clearly confused and mildly shocked. "Lydia, supreme and reigning 'Queen of Shopping', is tired?" she asks bemused. I flit my hand at her in a dismissive gesture. "I love the 'Supreme and reigning' part however I need rest and food." I smirk rolling my eyes. We link arms and sashay down the middle of the mall, like the true HBIC's we are. "So back to the guys and......others?" Allison asked hope alight in her eyes, cheeks colored with a dusty rose. I grin in a way that I'm sure Stiles would describe as sadistic, "Yes, we're going back to your love muffin." I reply wiggling my perfectly manicured figured in her direction. Alli huffs in an indignant way, I just smirk in response. I mean please did she think I was stupid? "Let's just go before Jackson says something stupid about Der-Bear." Alli replies rolling her eyes in exasperation. I laugh wholeheartedly as we head towards the food court of the mall, to meet with the others. As we arrive back I see Stiles curled up in Jackson's lap, I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. "What the hell happened?" I blurt, still staring at the odd situation in front of me. "Scott opened his mouth and obviously put some ideas into Stiles head." Jackson grunted shifting to make Stiles more comfortable. At that moment I see red, anger blooming in a way that I've never felt before. "He did what!?" I screech, voice carrying to new levels. Everyone covers their ears, eyes wide and frightened before I calm down and attempt to assess the situation. "He was being a self-centered assface, he decided that we were playing with Stiles. Because apparently there is no way we'd actually be friend friends with him." Jackson growls. I can still feel the burning of anger low in the pit of my stomach. McCall you better run because I will get you!

Scott's P.O.V.

Why would he choose them over me? I mean come on Stiles isn't exactly the coolest person, if anything they should have chosen me. They're just going to hurt him, they don't want to be his friend. They're just playing with his feelings, before they make him seem like a loser with no friends. They'll dump him and he'll come crawling back. He's Stiles I mean really what does he have offer them? I sulk in the guys bathroom closest to the food court. Stiles should be coming to apologize soon, he'll realize he was wrong. A loud bang sounds from the door of the restroom, "Scott Douche McCall get your ass out here!" a familiar VOICE CALLS. Wow that lady sounds pissed, just as I think this the door slams open and standing in the doorway is Lydia Martin. "What did I do?" I squeal shuffling backwards into what appears to be a urinal. "How about being a complete and utter selfish dickface, or tearing down the one person who's with you for almost 18 years?!" She sneers stalking forward, Allison trailing behind her. I will deny that I cowered against said urinal from earlier. "You guys don't care about him, I mean come on he's Stiles! He doesn't have anything to offer your little clique." I spit, backbone choosing now to return. I hear the hit before actually feeling it, I look up now feeling the stinging across the left side of my face. Standing in front of me is Allison face heated from anger, a dangerous look dancing in her eyes. "He has himself, which is more than you could ever give." she snarls. I shrink back from her, fear settling, I raise my head just as the door slams shut once more signaling that the two girls have gone.

Allison's P.O.V.

I have never been so pissed off in my entire life, there's just something about the innocence that Stiles has. It makes you want to do anything to make sure he's never hurt. As we storm back towards the food court I soon realize that we need to do everything possible to prove Scott wrong. "Whoa who murdered your puppy?" Issac asks sitting in the chair closest to me. I turn my glare towards him and breathe in heavily, suddenly I feel a soft hand on my upper arm. "Alli, why you so upset? You're like Disney personified." Stiles slurs rubbing his eyes. I almost coo at Stiles as he continues rubbing his sleep hazed eyes, resembling a small child. "Nothing, just taking care of some stuff, how you feeling boo?" I coo, letting my anger dissipate. "Hnnn 'm good" he murmurs snuggling more into Jackson, who will probably deny that said snuggling happened. Which is totally being photographed, and maybe sent to the yearbook committee. "Seriously though what happened?" Issac asks scrunching his nose in confusion. I roll my eyes, waving a hand in Lydia's direction before plopping into an open space. She snorts attractively, how is that possible, and begins explaining. "Well Alli went all mama-bear on McCall, screamed at him and smacked him across his stupid ass face." I smirk content with the bruise I know I left on his face. I hear Stiles snuffle into Jackson's shirt, "Love you Alli." he mumbles.

Derek's P.O.V.

I watch as Stiles snuggles into Jackson, feeling a foreign sensation. It almost burns where my heart is, slowly moving up to my throat. "That Der-Bear is jealousy." Lyds whispers in an almost sing-songing tone. The smirk on her face is actually terrifying, "Lydia what the hell are you thinking of doing?" I hiss back. The smirk stays in place as something dances in her eyes. Mischief, always mischief I mean come on does she hate me. "No I don't hate you, in fact you're like my brother. However I would like to help you get Stiles because judging by the look on Issac's face you may have competition for Stiles affections." Lydia sighs grabbing my face. She pulls my face until I'm staring at Issac, who is staring at MY Stiles. Whoa getting a bit ahead there, who the hell am I kidding I was thinking about children earlier. "Uh huh that'd only be if I wanted Stiles affections. Besides, why didn't you bitch out McCall?" I inquire sticking my tongue out at her. She snickers, "I was going to but something the dick-face said set Alli off." Lydia replies shrugging. I chuckle, of course McCall would piss of the Disney princess. "Anyways you totally want Boo's affections." Lydia says casually, flipping her hair over her shoulder. I snort, I can't let her win, "Yeah well how do you know if he even likes me that way?" is what comes out. Shit, I'm fucked, "I mean hypothetically." I ramble off. "Oh honey he likes you trust me." she scoffs. This is gonna be a long as fuck day. But if it means that I might have Stiles I'm down for that.

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