Bitch Get Your Own Stiles!

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Erica's P.O.V.

Watching Issac moon over Batman is actually funny and nauseating all at once. I mean seriously make a move you boob, how hard is it? You walk up and be like "I like your face." then be done with it. I laugh to myself thinking of Boyd, that is literally how we ended up going out. I walked up to him in the hall and said "I like your face, we should make out and have dates and shit.". In retrospect it was probably a really dumb idea, but all he did was laugh and kiss me. It isn't until I hear "Hey Catwoman how are you and Boyd doing?" Batman asks finally alert and sitting next to Jackson. "Sexy as always Batman." I reply with a wink, loving when his face sprouts a delicious flush. "Ahem well that's good." he mumbles back still bright fuchsia. This is really funny, hmm I wonder what mischief it would take to get Stiles and Curls together. "Hey guys there's a big ass dance coming up soon, everyone have a date?" I ask smirking in Issac's direction. "I don't." Stiles responds rubbing the back of his neck. Issac flails, "I don't either, you could um go with me, I mean if you want." he stutters. "Yes! I mean I'd like that." Stiles exclaims, grinning brightly. This is a piece of cake, now I just have to make sure Issac doesn't fuck things up with Batman. "I'm going with Boyd, Lydia and Jackson, Alli and Baby Hale, Derek and 'The Hoe'." I rattle off counting off couples on my fingers. Derek grumbles and glares at me, "Her name is Kate,she's not a hoe, she's my friend.". I roll my eyes, "Close enough, anyway, girls and Batman. Dance shopping next Friday?" I grin.

Stiles' P.O.V.

I cringe at being voluntold that I'm going shopping, see with Catwoman it's the same as with Lydia. There is no option. It is mandatory, you just follow along and hope that you don't die. "This isn't optional is it?" I sigh, raising my hand. The grins I get from the four girls are horrifying, "No.". I sigh hanging my head, I shouldn't have asked because now those grins are going to plague me with nightmares. "Don't worry I still have nightmares from the last time they grinned like that." Derek whispers in my ear, running his fingertips across the back of my neck. I shudder breath shaking as he moves out of my space. "Heh oh sounds fun." I murmur shakily, crossing my arms and holding my bony elbows. I cannot have him all up in my space if I want to keep my crush a secret. "Well anyway it's like 7:00 so we should probably leave." Issac states. I feel my eyes open wide as the time settles into my mind. "Wow, I didn't think it was that late, oh Issac here's my number so you can text me." I giggle. I rattle off the numbers, looking back I see a strange look pass across Derek's features. "I will definitely text you." Issac responds with a wink. I flush once again, we all separate from there. I'm standing outside the mall waiting for my father to come pick me. Today is the best day ever.

Issac's P.O.V.

I can't believe I actually got a date for the dance, it's even with Stiles! I sound like a teenage girl squealing about a crush on a celebrity. Well, it is a crush but still, it shouldn't be this bad. God, what the hell is wrong with me? It's just a dance, it's not like we're getting married or some shit. Fuck now I'm thinking about weddings, dammit all to hell. "Issac? Is that you?" Camden yells from the kitchen, "Yeah I'm back!" I respond. I shake my head at Cam's protectiveness, but with Mom and Dad gone, we're all we've got. "You still going to that school dance you were talking about?" Cam asks, pushing a plate of pasta in my direction. Shoveling a forkful into my mouth before speaking I answer, "Yep, 'ven 'ot a 'ate.". Cam rolls his eyes, "Don't speak with your mouth full.". I laugh swallowing my mouthful of pasta, "I got a date." I snort licking my lips. "Sweet little brother, who's the lucky person?" Cam winks jabbing me in the side. "His name is Stiles, and he's amazing." I exclaim flailing my arms, almost hitting Cam in the face. Camden's grin widens, if it gets any bigger the Cheshire Cat will have competition. "Do I get to meet him?" he asks trying to sound innocent. I once again roll my eyes, swatting him upside the head. Heh, I Gibbsed him, I need a life. "Oh come on I just wanna be sure he's good enough for my baby brother!" Cam whines. "I'm the one who asked him to go with me!" I squeal. "Oh well then, I suppose I'll have to see if he's cute enough.". Oh god, Cam why?

Jackson's P.O.V.

Today was definitely eventful, we made a new friend, then that friends friend decided to be a dickface. Fucking McCall, I hope he cries himself to sleep and drowns in his own tears. Stiles didn't deserve any of that, he's too nice, but I gotta admit Stiles was pretty badass whilst telling McDickface off. God that dumbass, who the hell gives up a friend like Stiles? "McCall." Lydia deadpans from beside me, shit I'd forgotten she was here. "Shit Lyds I forgot you were here." I wince, "I was made aware of that fact when you started mumbling to yourself." she replies rolling her eyes. I laugh nervously, hoping she doesn't decide that my balls look like a good place for her elbow."Don't worry your balls are safe." She snorts grinning toothily. This just got really really terrifying, I might actually go hide in the closet. "No, you can't go hide in the closet." Lydia whispers in my ear. What the hell?! "I know everything." she deadpans. I shiver at the intense look on her face, I think I may have pissed myself. I discreetly try to check and see if I'd pissed myself, Lyds lets out a snort. I narrow my eyes at her knowing there was no discreet anything with her around. I love her and all but she's kinda horrifying sometimes, like a lot of times. "Thank you, I enjoy being terrifying. It allows for me to always be on top." she purrs. I shudder, not sure whether to be turned on or scared. My life is fucked up as shit.

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