Chapter 6

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Hiro's pov

It was dark, I didn't know what happened, I didn't hear anything around me, I didn't feel anything, and I couldn't even move. Am i dead?

I felt the ground under me, it was cold against my back and my hands, I started hearing cars around me, my eyes flew open, I sat up gasping for air and looked around, i was still in the alley. "what happened...?" i whispered to myself, "baymax? ".

I started remembering some stuff "no! H-He took baymax! And he has my aunt! I have to get them back! " i yelled in a hurry, I jumped up and felt a huge pain on my arm, I held in the pain, but it was kind of hard.

I healed up a bit and sighed, "how am i going to find them Now? ", I walked back to the house in the dark. alone. I went In the garage and closed the gate. I walked upstairs and headed to my room, i took my helmet off and carried it, on the way i tripped over something small, and furry, I face planted to the floor and lifted myself up, I saw it was Mochi.

I looked into his dark green eyes. He was the only one i had left. I've already lost Tadashi, my aunt, Honey, Fred, Wasabi, Gogo, and Baymax... He meowed at me and I realized i had tears in my eyes. Mochi gave me a confused look and I grabbed him then hugged him tightly, tears were streaming down my face "Mochi... I promise i-i won't let anything happen to you... I promise."

He meowed again and I let him go, I think this is the first time he's seen me in my suit. I got up and headed to my room, I climbed the stairs and almost fell, I continued to walk and entered my room, I changed and hid my suit.

I walked downstairs and sat on the couch, Mochi hopped on me and I didn't bother to turn the TV on. It was dead silent, except Mochi was purring loudly, I sighed and thought for a moment... Until something came to me, what if i make him those Microbots? I'll get my friends back, and my aunt to... What will the consequences be? What Good will happen?

"Mochi... I know what I need to do... " i whispered to him, he gave me a confused look and a small smile crept onto my face, I'm finally going to get them back... Even though my friends crashed, I still believe their alive.. Probably the guy who wants to be called 'Sunfire'has them... Well, I should start inventing...

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