Chapter 16

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Hiro's pov

MegaBot was already charging towards the man's DragoBot but before I could make my bot destroy his, the Dragon suddenly blew fire and swung it's sharp tail at him, it caused MegaBot to break apart and actually break a piece off of him, and I can't fight like that, it will cause lots of errors in his code inside him and the controller.

I just looked at MegaBot surprised and shocked, I've never lost a fight before, how could this be possible? I looked up and saw everyone laughing, The Man just had a smirk "to bad kid, you just have a weak robot, you'll never be able to defeat DragoBot, so beat it, and never return " he said in a deep voice, it was a bit strange cause his voice wasn't that deep, but before i left I gave him a glare and he returned one.

I started going on my way home and I was about to enter until I saw something a bit suspicious, a Man was following some old lady and it didn't look like he knew her, I ran in the house and went up to my room, I opened my closet and pulled out my suit, I changed into it as fast as I can and once I finished I ran down the stairs and headed out to figure out what was going on, I looked around and saw the man enter an alley still following the lady, she lived in this area but he didn't, something is going on.

I enter but quietly, I hid in the shadows and once the lady made her way to the house she looked back and gasped "who are you?! Get away from me! Help! " the old lay shouted, I started worrying a bit then the guy shushed her, "you better be quiet, now if you scream, I'll kill you, now give me your money!" he said raising a gun and aiming it at her which made her panic, I did to and I shouted "hey! I think your messing with the wrong person, don't you think? Now put the gun down, and leave, or else, we're gonna have a problem... " I said revealing myself.

The Man rolled his eyes and ignored me "I don't think you heard me right, here let me explain what it meant " I said kicking the gun out of his hand and shoving him back at the same time, the lady ran inside and I looked at the guy, he groaned while getting up and tried reaching for his gun "no, you want the gun? Cause I'll give it to you, but it'll look way better" I stepped on his hand carefully so he doesn't grab it and I grabbed a black gummy bear that I hide inside my pocket on my belt and the guy gave me a confused look "what are you going to do with that? " he asked sarcastically, I rolled my eyes and dropped it on the gun.

Once it hit the gun it made a tiny explosion and made the gun disappear into Thin air, the guy stood there shocked and I let go of his hand "now leave, and don't ever think of doing this thing ever again, cause you know I'll always be there to stop you" I said with a glare, he nodded and ran off into the city, once he disappeared the old lady came out of her house and cheered "t-thank you so much you have no idea how frightened I was" she said giving me a tight hug, I tried pulling away cause I couldn't breath but she was to strong, how is that possible? "y-your welcome... I do my best t-to help the people that n-need it most " I said out of breath, she kept hugging me but not tight anymore, "OK ma'am, I'm going to have to go" I said trying to pull away again but she chuckled "sorry Mr, but... Your not going anywhere... " she said.

I gave her a confused look and she pressed my helmet causing it to open the screen "um, what are you talking about, its my house I need to go to..." I said trying to use all my strength to get out, man she's strong... "oh OK, sorry you have to leave, well not home, your coming with us" she said, her voice changed half way and it sounded familiar, she pressed something on her watch and she transformed into someone I didn't think would ever do this "sorry it had to end this way sweety, but like I said, you are special, that's why we're gonna have to take you to Mr Sunfire and change you" Cass said, I didn't even want to call her 'aunt's anymore, she sprayed something in my face and it made me pass out causing everything to go dead silent.

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