Chapter 11

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Hiro's pov

I woke up a bit startled, the light for some reason was on, my eyes were stinging when I looked at it, I rubbed my eyes and got up from bed, I looked at the clock and realized it was just 2:56 AM. My eyes were trying to focus on the room, I heard tiny footsteps and I guessed it was Mochi, my eyes finally focused and I looked around. I was so tired, but I don't know what woke me up?

I went to turn off the light but then I saw a black figure pass by, I looked around for it a bit confused. I then turned around but the figure passed by again, "who's there? " I shouted, no answer came and I shrugged, hoping it was just Mochi.

I turned the light off but then my lamp turned on automatically "what the...?", I became a bit frightened, I looked around and sighed, I headed towards the lamp to turn it off but then I heard the footsteps again and saw the shadow, I turned around not seeing anything again and I got a bit mad, this was kind of annoying me.

I shrugged and headed downstairs instead, I headed to the kitchen cause I was a bit thirsty. I opened a cabinet and grabbed a cup, I filled it with water and drank it, I finished and put the cup in the sink, I headed back upstairs but tripped over Mochi, I sat up and glared at him, he looked at me and continued to walk.

I got up then my arm felt a tiny pain, I looked at it then saw i had cut myself, I looked to the right and saw shattered glass cups on the floor, I guess i got cut by it and that woke me up, I looked back at the cut and saw I started to bleed a lot, I got up carefully and opened another cabinet, I took a cloth out and wrapped it around my arm.

I headed back to my room and laid down on the bed, trying to fall back asleep but couldn't. The light was bothering me but I knew if I turned it off it would go back on. I pulled the pillow to my face to try and ignore it but I heard more footsteps, I moved it away from me and got up, I looked around and headed for the light.

I had my hand on the lamp to turn it off but then I heard footsteps coming towards me, I didn't want to look back, I heard more footsteps join and I worried a bit, these didn't sound like Mochi's. The footsteps finally stopped and I wanted to turn around, but I just stood still. I finally turned around and saw three people with masks, I could tell the middle on was Sunfire, but the others... I don't remember seeing them before, this is going to be harder than I thought... One of them wore a black flight suit and the other wore what Yokai wore last time, but the mask was blue instead of red.

I jumped and ran pass them, I ran down the stairs and headed for the door, Sunfire ran in front of me and I drifted my feet to the right and kept running, I hid in a closet and gasped for air, all I saw was black and a little bit of light peaking from the side of the closet door. I heard whispering out the door and a chuckle, i put my ear against the door and tried to pick up the conversation but all I heard was, Hiro, closet and that the plan is working so far. How did they know my name? And how did they know I was hiding in the closet and haven't come for me yet?

I leaned off the door and took a deep breath, I put my hand on the closet knob and before I could open it, I felt breathing behind me and a quiet chuckle, I panicked and a cloth went violently on my face, someone grabbed onto me to make sure I didn't leave, I tried to get out of their grip and I felt weaker, the door opened and I saw the masked man and Sunfire, I pushed away again but the person still had me, my eyes were trying to close, the person pressed the cloth onto my face harder and the room started spinning, I looked up at Sunfire who I could tell was about to say something but didn't, the light was fading away then my eyes shut close not knowing what was going to happen next...

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