Chapter 15

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Fred's pov

I looked up at Hiro and smiled, I actually forgot he worked here, he looked shocked and I realized why, "hey Hiro " I said acting cool and normal. I was about to tell him something until he shouted "how is this possible!? Where are the others!? How did you escape!?" he put his hands on his head and clenched his fluffy hair, he is stressed?

I got up and looked at him in a guilty way, I felt bad, he looked like he went through a lot. He sighed and looked back at me "I was worried OK? I still am..." he said, tears filling his eyes, "Hiro, look, we're OK... Well i don't know if the others are but I know I am!" I shouted and smiled, but it faded away when I saw Hiro glaring at me with his arms crossed.

I chuckled nervously "OK, yeah, Im worried about them to, I escaped by getting out of my suit and pretended I was still in there, I jumped off the car and landed in a near by lake" I smiled, but Hiro was not happy.

Hiro's pov

I couldn't believe this, he survived and the others didn't? " sooo.. You saved yourself but not the others? " I said getting kind of angry, he nodded "but hey, at least you got me now! " he smiled "Fred.." I sighed, he shoved me aside getting something out of his backpack and took it out "I brought comics! And clothes of course! " he chuckled, I got more confused?

Why did he pack this? "Fred...?" I repeated but he ignored me "and oh! I also brought my sleeping bag! Inside I put lots of snacks and video games! " he punched the air in an exited way, "Fred! " I shouted and he finally stopped "yes? " he said smiling, but there was nothing happy about this "why did you pack this?" I asked, "we are having a sleepover! Boys night this time! " he smiled, I shook my head "Fred, I know i was worried but no, maybe your going to have to leave the cafe at once " I sighed.

He gave a shock look "what! I am your friend? Why are you kicking me out! I just returned and your making me leave?! " he yelled, I nodded, I knew this was a bad idea but I can't believe he was being selfish and didn't save the others, and especially at least didn't go back for them, and now he's acting like he doesn't care!?

I looked away from him to ignore his words he'll say next but instead he went from happy to mad, "OK, I'll go, yeah, that's what I'll do, if that's what you want, Mr 'Leader' then I'll do it, I hope you know I'm not coming back, not for fun, but for revenge" he growled and charged out the door slamming it pretty hard, I watched him leave and I myself was pretty shocked.

Once he was gone I closed the cafe up, I ran up to my room and sat down on my bed a bit stressed, "what have I done? Why did i kick him out? He could've helped me defeat Sunfire and now I feel like a jerk..." I mumbled to myself, I looked at the time and smiled a little, still a bit disappointed but getting in a happy mood, i got up and grabbed Mega bot "OK bud, we're going to go defeat some bad robots, ready? " I said, my smile dropped once i looked at him, I saw a reflection of Baymax, I felt pain in my heart once i did, I miss him... He was my most best friend, and I lost him, I don't even know where he is? But I won't give up, I won't stop searching till I find them, they mean everything to me.

I headed down two stairs and made my way into the dark city, but it wasn't really dark, lots of lights were everywhere, I checked if I brought money and once I felt it I ran off to an alley that wasn't to far from here. Once i made it I entered, I saw some people fighting each other and I watched, I stood in the crowd and gasped when I saw Yama in the crowd to, I looked around and hid behind some dude, he looked confused but I told him to pretend I'm not here.

Yama as you guys already know is a guy who weighs 500 pounds, he's never lost a bot fight ever but once I beat him it changed up some things, I needed to stay away from him, I turned 15 last February and I want to be able to see my 16th birthday! As you know I've never lost a bot fight, so I'm good, but these guys look tough..

The fight ended and the guy with a red sweater won. I walked up to him slowly and smirked "I'd like to compete against you next, you seem like you think you'll never lose, but you've lost one before, I've lost zero fights" I chuckled in an evil way, he shook his head with a smile "just like your name kid, " I glared at him "my name is Hiro Hamada, not zero Hamada..." I crossed my arms, "well your parents should've named you that, it fits good with your personality " he smirked, "how did you know my name rhymed with that? " I gave him a confused look, he shrugged "I've heard of you before but I bet you won't even be able to beat the king of bot fights, and that's me" he said.

I glared at him and placed my money in the basket not even moving my position,just my arm, I kept glaring at him, he did the same and we sat down, we readied our bots and once he pulled his out my eyes widened, his was a giant dragon robot, and I already knew what the power was by then, I tried not to act nervous and got my controler out, "fighters ready? " a girl said putting an umbrella looking thing in the middle of us, we glared at each other even though we only saw half of our heads, "fight! " she yelled and we started to fight, Mega bot charged at his dragon and his did the same to mine, now let's see who wins...

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