Chapter 18

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Fred's pov

"OK, since you poured freezing water on me I'm going to get in some warmer clothes, stay put" Hiro said giving me a glare, come on, it was just a little joke? "OK OK... Sorry?" I chuckled, he nodded and headed upstairs. Since I can't go anywhere I'll just start a staring contest with the television in front of me, I sat on the edge of the couch and glared at the TV "you're on, TV.... Oh is that a threat?.... That's it! Starting in 1...2..3. Go! "
I started the competition.

It's been two minutes and my eyes feel like their burning "ugh.. My eyes! Your screen is too ugly your making my eyes burn..." I groaned and felt my eyes sting. "OK Fred I'm ba-... What are you doing? " Hiro said very concerned from on the stairs, "I challenged the TV to a staring contest" I said, my eyes about to give up "OK...? Creeped me out since the TV isn't on... " he shivered and continued his way down the stairs "nuuu... This can't be happening! Your TV can stare the longest! Well... I know I'm attractive but SERIOUSLY! STOP!" he shouted, from the TV screen I saw Hiro roll his eyes, "OK Fred, I need to hear that plan" he said getting some paper, "H-hold up... Not quite done" I glared at the TV, the screen turned on and it literally burned my eyes "ow! My eyes! " I yelled rubbing my eyes, Hiro chuckled softly and I gave him a glare.

Hiro's pov

Fred is kind of creeping me out... But that's not important right now, I need to know how to get my family and friends back,"OK Fred, I need to hear that plan" I grabbed some paper and pencils and sat down on a chair next to a counter, "h-hold up... Not quite done" he said, I sighed and grabbed the control that was next to me, I turned the TV on and heard Fred yell stuff, I didn't really pay attention though, I chuckled softly and he gave me a glare.

"Fred I need your help, it's important, we need to find them" I said moving the control "fiiine... Can I at least bring one comic with me? " he begged, "if your gonna be reading how are you going to tell me the plan? " I shrugged, he gave me a confused look "what plan? "he said reading a comic, did he really lie about the plan..? "you lied...?? Fine I'll just think of one myself" I sighed and started writing down some plans that I had, "you do that, this book is getting gooood! "Fred smiled, "just give your studying a break and relax for a bit" he smiled, I sighed "I can't do that..." I yawned a bit "I need to help the gang, and my family" I looked at the paper and thought, what shall the plan be? This is going to be a long night...

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