Chapter 8

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Hiro's pov

I got up, not wanting to fall back asleep, I walked over to the window and looked outside, not seeing anything I turned back around and saw a shadow coming from the hall, I walked towards it slowly and heard tiny footsteps, I walked down the stairs, I looked around and didn't see anything.

I heard a crash in the kitchen, I walked over there and walked in, I took one more step and Mochi ran in front of me and I jumped, I ran to the living room and stopped, I felt embarrassed and I started laughing nervously "haha very funny, Mochi". He walked over to me and tripped over the remote, he face planted onto the floor, I chuckled and rolled my eyes, he looked up at me and meowed "alright, you got me " I said with a sigh.

I walked into the garage and decided to get some gummy bears. Since baymax wasn't here I had to get some quarters, I placed them in the machine and typed in some numbers, the gummy bears fell and I grabbed them. I walked back upstairs and sat on a couch in the living room.

I was about to open them until Mochi hopped on me and took them away "hey! " I tried getting them back but he ran, I chased after him and tackled him, I finally got them and laughed "I'll give you some later" he struggled to get out of my grip and when he did get out, he glared at me and left.

I got up and smiled, I sat back on the couch and turned the TV on, I opened the bag and watched some movies, I put a horror movie on and watched it, there came a part where a murderer was in someone's house and wanted to murder them. The power went out and I jumped, I looked around in the dark and heard footsteps, oh great... I heard scratching on the floor and my heart started beating.

The power went back on and right when it did, Mochi tackled me. I screamed, frightened and curled up in a little ball, I panicked more covering my face and felt Mochi try to calm me down. "Mochi! Your so evil! " I laughed. I sat up and hugged Mochi, I put him back down and patted his head, he hopped on my lap and laid down, he fell asleep and the movie continued on.

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