the tour part 1

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As the bus pulled up to the high school Madison quickly told Jeff to wait till every one else is off.
"Why its not like you will get hurt.. Right?"
"Wrong last year I got a black eye.. not fun."
He just said oh and waited. Once we were off it was time to pic up the schedule. I looked closely and noticed that we had all the same classes except 1st period , he has study hall...
"Wow, we have like all the classes together. ."
"Isn't a good thing ?"
"Yes, Yes it is."
Deep down inside Madison was doing a super dance.. Maybe this was going to be the year...
"Hey Jeff , I need to go and pick something up at my first period. Can we go there really quickly? Please. "
"Sure. But can I put my stuff in my locker? Myy backpack Is heavyy." Jeff said in a babyish tone..
"Come on baby Jeffy"
As Madison takes Jeff to his locker, Madison is shoved into the brick wall.
"Well, well is in it little Emo girl. How was cutting last night. I hope your mother beat you.,Good, you little c**t."
These where the words of Madison's bully Kristen.
Apon hearing these word made Jeff furious.
"Who are you to talk."
"Well who is this Madison, an emo boy, well, do you m*************e to him"
"Who should be talking. Your no pretty girl, I would choose Madison over any of the girls here any day you total bitch"
This caused every one to go wide eyes and die of laughter. All Jeff did was help Madison up and away from everyone.. Jeff took his sweatshirt sleave to help with the blood and tears.
"Did you really mean what you said. "
"Of course you are beautiful and much better looking then any girl I have seen. "
"Thanks Jeff that means alot. Now lets go to that locker so I can get what I need and we can get all the boring stuff so we can have fun."
As soon as they got to the locker and jeffs stuff was away they headed to Madison's first period. Once that was done they headed to the library.
"Ok so there some paper work to do before anything else. ..."
At this moment Jeff grabed Madison's hand.
"Ok so this is the health sheet ..."(because im lazy and tired im going to skip the rest of the paperwork)
"Great now thats done we can take it to the office and continue the tour"
"But I want to sit here with you.."
"I do to but we can do it at luch in two hours.."
"I know"

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