Ch. 32 My Doomsday Plan:

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The plan basically ended up with: tomato juice sprinklers, and Xander in a thick, thorn bush.
Which basically sums up my plan anyways. Xander and I hold hands and I teleport us in front of Tutis. This positioned us for a front row seat of the battle scene. It was a strangely amusing and horrifying sight all at once. Objects, weapons, and even animals clashed together. I couldn't tell who was fighting who at one point because of the blur of the battle scene itself.
While I thought chilling out here and watching the show was fine by me, at one point, Xander grabbed my head and threw us to the left side so I wouldn't  get decapitated from a flying knife that I hadn't seen. I look up from where the knife came from, and I see a clump of witch hunters that had noticed Xander and I.
I look up at Xander who still had us in the same position, his arm cradling my head in a crouch poison. He grits his teeth and stares at the horizon with an intensity that was insufferable. His eyes were stormy blue. He grabbed my hand and springs up, bringing me along with him. He sighed furiously and rakes his hands through his disheveled jet black hair as he looks at the clump of witch hunters coming toward us.
"I know them, they were part of my training group at this one boarding school my dad shipped me to when he started to get suspicious of me practicing witch remedies. When I got back home he had found my secret room my mom and I used to go to practice. He looks down, and grimaces, almost as if he was remembering a painful memory." I look up at him surprisingly. I didn't realize how much of Xander I still didn't know. I wanted to ask about his mom, but I had a feeling  the topic was a thorn that would pierce through Xander's skin even more if I pushed him to tell me more. 
"Boarding school for witch hunters?" I ask trying to hide the eagerness for him to tell me more. He glanced down at me mischievously.
"Got kicked out the first week for dangling a kid over a fifty story building on one of our first training missions."

I rolled my eyes. Xander squints his eyes and then almost  growls under his breath. 

"One guy over there almost killed my roommate. Xander playfully walks forward and says over his shoulder, "come on let's go give them hell." I jog to catch up with him. Xander grabs my hand leaving my other hand holding my knife. We sprint towards the chaos and indeed, all hell broke loose.

          We dodge all  of their weapons and strikes till I couldn't stand getting another knife aimed at my head anymore. I grip at Xander's hand harder and teleport us  behind our attackers, about a yard away on the other side of the battle scene. Xander shakes his head at me after we teleport,

           "A little heads up would have been great thanks, no pun intended." I dismiss his cool sarcasm,
            "Look Xander I only have a knife and teleportation, how am I gonna-"

                  "Just stay by me." He says swiftly, leaning back in his heels nonchalantly. His ease and calm about the battle was frightening. Almost as if he knows how it will end. What's most frightening is if he thinks we will win or not.
                "We're gonna get separated Xander. Besides, you have this firepower but I have nothing, I will be an open target Xan-" Xander clasps  both of my hands and leans down closer to my face.
                 "We aren't going to get separated okay? But remember what I taught you with that knife, all that training right? Use what I taught you. Also you will develop a new power Sybil. You activated all of your powers by an emotion like all witches do. Witchunters don't. That's why we are viewed as emotionless and colder than witches. You will develop a power again. Don't worry, just......." He closed his eyes and put his head on our clasped hands. "Don't do anything reckless again please." He looks up into my eyes and we hold that position a long time, just looking at each other. His breath was warm and vibrant on my skin. His breath was short and quickened. I was wrong. He was not calm at all. Looking at him now, his eyes shifted to pure worry that was pouring out of his eyes. It made me catch my breath. Those eyes filled me with longing, of eagerness. I wanted more than anything for him to hold me like this forever, but I would never let him know that, and I can't admit it to myself what I truly want either. I then look down in dismay, remembering Abram again.I was so selfish for letting Xander in. In acknowledgment,   Xander moves a step back and we break out of the small moment we had together.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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