Ch. 16 "What If":

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After almost dying....once again, you would think you would find me in a hospital by now. Not at the very least. My eyes fly open and I start to cough up water. I don't get a clear picture of my surroundings until the coughing stops. I rub my eyes to see I'm moving. But my legs aren't moving. I'm being carried. I'm slung across Xander's shoulder. He holds me up with one arm and the other arm is full of clothes. My bag I was going to take with me earlier.

"Why am I not with Hollen in the hospital?" I croak. He stays silent for a moment.

"Something is wrong, I don't want you at Tutis, because if you haven't realized, some kids there were trying to plot to kill you. Good thing I saw you."

I squirm gently out of Xander's arms and we both start walking towards the forest.

"How did you see me?" I ask after a long moment of walking.

"Well I was waiting for you to come back, by 10:30 I knew something was wrong, so I came back looking for you. Then I saw Tyler in the distance carrying a small object, then I realized it was you. There were a couple people there, it seemed like there was every person representing their abilities from every group, a person from fire, ice, mixed, and rock."

"I just.....why would they want to kill me?! I didn't do anything to them!!!"

"I don't know Sybil, but I have an idea of who's behind this, when we get to a safe spot I'll tell you, we need to hide, if what I think is true, you especially are in danger, just follow me quickly." Xander starts to jog and I try to keep up. My legs feel like rubber. They buckle underneath me and I topple to the ground only to be caught by the arms from Xander. I get up and grab his shirt he was wearing so I wouldn't lose him. The world dipped and shot upward, like you were on a roller coaster. It made jogging all the less enjoyable.

"Xander, who was there that you saw by the water?" I breathed. Xander stops suddenly and closes his eyes.

"I saw Tyler carrying you, he ran away before I could get him. Two of his fire buddies that are twins. I knocked both of them out at once. Not very bright. An ice girl who had razor sharp teeth that slipped in the water when I advanced on her, and a rock guy who's last name was Bishop, he was the first one I knocked out, good fighting stance, horrible posture. Then......" He stops suddenly. He turns to me, suddenly grabbing my hand. "Sybi I -" I cut him off.

"Tell me who it is!" I urge him. He looks on the ground and shakes his head.

"I-I thought I saw.....Simon."

After that I walked in silence. At one part my eyes started to become watery and tears started to wet my cheeks. I cried silently, not wanting Xander to see me crying. I didn't know exactly why I was crying, but everything that happened and heard was too over-whelming. I had to just suck it up and clear my mind to think.

When we finally dive into the forest, we both sit on a log across from each other. I offer to get firewood to make a fire but Xander shakes his head saying it would easily attract attention. I looked up finally at Xander, whose eyes are the only color that's clear in the black, dead of night. I sigh and say,

"Alright let's begin I guess." Xander looks up at me and sighs.

"Sybil in order to tell you my story , I have to first start in the beginning. I was born in Massachusetts, in a little village called, Ispwich. Many WitchHunters occupy in Massachusetts because that's where the Salem witch trials took place. The Salem witch trials as you know was from June to October of 1692. They were court hearings about men and women being found guilty for witchcraft. 14 women and 5 men were hanged and found guilty for witchcraft. Now, you read in the textbooks how all these people were innocent and such. However, like many other things, the history textbooks may have a lot of false information, I guess for the better. There were people that we're actual witches during the Salem witch trials. Ironically, most of the actual witches, were not killed. In fact, half of that group of people that were hanged were human, but.....five of those people were witches. This including your great-great-great-great, it keeps going, great grandmother. This is where you come in." He takes a break to let me soak in some of the information.

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