Ch. 7 I find Good news.....And then Bad news

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Ch. 7 I find Good News......Then I get Bad News:

Never knowing exactly where you are going can be a good thing or bad thing. It depends on what your doing. For instance, if your driving in your car and your just coasting then that's great. Your so lax that you don't know where your going. That's not a bad thing. Your relaxed. That's fine because there's nothing at stake. But, if you're driving in Martha's Vineyard, trying to get to the only place you know to go and you don't even have any clue where that is or if it's even still in existence, it's a problem. Plus if there's a hand full of people that would love to kill you before reaching there...that's an issue. So if you are ever in a situation such as should be worried.

I coast down the long stretch of highway that lay ahead of me. My hair, out of my ponytail was swinging around my face, being a nuisance. I wasn't sure where to go. Who to call. I was tempted in calling my Gran but I was too ashamed to. Hey Gran as a stubborn and foolish teenager I made a failed attempt to figure out who I was and couldn't because I lost my way. Forgive me? No, I had to keep driving and get I to the harbor. Where more people were. I didn't know where I was honestly. Trees engulf myself and my car in the most weirdest way. Like I'm being trapped inside a cage, and so claustrophobic of my surroundings even though that's not the case. I'm honestly thinking of how much of a crazy person I am for doing this. I'm not thinking. I'm being what Gran calls, "rash." Gosh why is Gran always freakin' right?!

As I'm about to give up with trying to find my way, my phone starts to ring. Normally, I would let it ring becuase I knew it would be from the one and only. But, this time when I looked down to see the number, something cathces my eye. Its not Gran's phone number, its someone else. I gulp. Two thoughts are buzzing in my head right now. Answer it, it could help you, and don't answer it, it could mean trouble. I am out of options and plus I'm almost out of gas, I need to find help. I click the answer button. "Hello?"

"I'm here to help you." A smooth calm voice fills my ears as I listen to the caller. I look at my phone skeptically and reply,

"How do you know you can help me....who are you?"

"Someone who knows how to get you to your destination."

"What's the catch?" I hear a chuckle as the caller laughs at my statment.

"No catch. I take it you don't like trusting people." Yeah, people that know exactly where I want to go.

"With everythng I've been through today, you wouldn't be suprised. What do you want me to go?" The caller is quite for a moment, then he replies,

"In about a quarter of a mile, a sign that says "EdgarTown Home of Great Inns and fabulous views," there's an exit that will lead you into the town. Keep driving and I'll call you back. Watch your phone." He hangs up and I mutter,


When I see the sign come into view, I drive a little faster, excited to see how much Martha's Vineyard changed. When I was about seven my mom and dad decided to take me on a little "vacation". They decided Martha's Vineyard as the perfect choice. (Coincidence that it's a Witch Sanctuary....I think not!) Now at the time I was a little bit of a brat. I argued to them that if we wanted to go to an island, why not chose somewhere that sounded more appealing, like Hawaii. But, I couldn't have been more wrong. Driving through Cap Cod to get to the ferry was amazing. It was like driving into the 1800's. All the houses had that old Victorian look, with big wrapped around porches and pleasant looking yards and neighborhoods. The cool, ocean breeze air and cloud skies were very peaceful. But I must say, getting to Martha's Vineyard was eye-opening.

It had some of the Victorian house charms but the amazing part was how isolated and little residents there was. Living in Louisiana, you would think that, THAT stood for little residents. Sure there wasn't an abundance of people, but enough where it looked like a town. Martha's Vineyard almost seemed like your own private island and that's what I loved about it. I never again thought of going Hawaii, because of how different and remote this place is. In a way it became a part of who I am today, different remote. I don't know if anyone would call that appealing, but hey, I soon started to follow my own crowd and while most would find it lonely, I found it ravishing.

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