Ch. 11 Hollen knocks him out with a vase:

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Ch. 11: Hollen knocks him out with a vase:

This new kid is reminding me of a version of those stupid jocks back at home except a little older, and has a fashion sense. We agree to let only Hollen know about this so she could nurse him back to help. In my mind I knew I couldn't let him leave....I need to make sure he doesn't go skipping on his merry way back to his little WitchHunter friends and tell them the most important Sanctuary in the United States. So I basically lied to him but I had no choice, he's a monster, with an extremely annoying personality.

This time my legs are able to move now but with much difficulty. I help Xander up and we walk to the back entrance of Tutis, where I came out from the hospital room. Xander uses my arm as a crutch the whole way which made my arm feel like lead. He looked paler and had beads of sweat on his face. I can hear his breathing, it's heavy and he sounds tired. When we get inside he collapses on one of the many beds.

"Who on earth is this?!" I jump up to see Hollen starring at Xander dumbfounded.

"Sybil? Is this a guest? A friend? perhaps-" I cut her off.

"No! He not a friend! He's uh...well he's a WitchHunter...." I really didn't know how to sugarcoat that sentence so I just decide to take the blatant route. Hollen gasps and runs to the door. I run to get myself between the door and her.

"No Hollen! You can't tell anyone! Please this is important! He needs help! Just let us nurse him back to health and he'll be out of here! Promise!"

"You don't understand Sybil!" She lowers her voice and says, "once he leaves, by the next week this place will be swarming with WitchHunters...he can't be trusted!"

"I know I haven't figured out the whole details yet. I know he can't leave, but, I...I just can't kill him either." I turn to see him lying on his back breathing heavily.

"Look, maybe....we can almost keep him as a hostage...he might be important. There is a prison in the cellar. Your uncle designed the cellar for these types of things." It wasn't a bad idea, but he couldn't stay there forever. But, my ideas are limited and this one sounds like the best.

"Okay. He'll stay here until we figure out what's wrong with him. Then we take to the "special spot." Just make sure my uncle doesn't know anything about this."

"Got it. By the way you look like a mess I have fresh clothes for-"

"Hollen I'm not wearing a dress again in my life."

"It's not! It's a new pair of jeans your converse and a new fresh t-shirt. Your uncle wants to talk with you about your new life here as a student of this school." I never realized I would actually attend this school but, since it's learning how to fly broomsticks and looking like old hags dressed in black than heck I'm all for it!

Hollen basically shoves me into a bathtub and tells me to scrub for like twenty mins. She comes in with heavy jars of what looks like shampoo and conditioner. She dumps it on my head and scrubs my hair that makes my whole head shake violently back and forth. Okay, I don't know whoever you are reading this story, if you like to take baths before, or you aren't the clean kind of person, but don't you think their suppose to be refreshing and relaxing? Well, I deifently feel the refreshing part but I'm going to say hard pass on how relaxing it is. Hollen for some reason thinks that shaking someone's head violently is relaxing.

I get out of that bathtub as fast as I possibly could and change into these really dark jeans with no rips. Okay I see where this is going. Then I receive this long sleeve laced blouse that looked like nothing that's in my closet....besides the dress that caught on fire back from the gym incident. On a higher note I walk out to see that my black converse were by the door. And my jean jacket. I slip it on and tie my my shoes. But then, Hollen comes bustling in. She grabs my arms and hauls me into what looks like an old fashion, 1940's movie star room with a mirror and round bulbs. She sits me down in front of the mirror and starts to brush my wet hair. She pins it up in what looks like bun with cool braids on the sides.

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