Ch. 9 Some things are better left untouched

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Ch. 9 Some Things are better left Untouched:

Waiting for people has never really been my forte. Especially when I have to wait outside on a rather cold, blustery day. At least the man could do was make me wait inside till he's ready. I sit on a wooden bench under a huge willow tree with the view of the forest beyond the 1000 acrd land the palace has to offer. My uncle's mansion' s land stretches as far as the eyes can possibly see. The autumn air tosses my staten blue dress as I sit with my hands on each side of the bench, clutching it with earnest and frustration.

I sit with much impatience as I care to muster with a new pair of clothes on that was given to me. I wear a long dress that goes past my ankles and barely shows the tops of my boots that insisted I wear for running around in. My hair is in what Hollen calls a crown braid which wraps around my entire head. A few loose strands of hair is in front of my face. It's silly. I refused to her countless times to not give me a stupid make over for a ten min. visit with my relative. But, she said I needed to be punctual so here I am looking like one of the daughters from the TV show Downton Abbey in the middle of a blustery autumn day.

When I here the rustling of the grass and leafs behind me I see him come strolling up to me. He has a friendly smile on his face. Like he wasn't sitting here in the cold, waiting for about an hour.

"You look rather stunning, what's the occasion?"

"Apparently to meet you."

"Splendid." He sits down next to me and trains his eyes on one of the many jacaranda trees that cover this entire spot. All except for this willow tree.

"Well I wouldn't call this rather an occasion." I mutter to myself. Instead he hears me.

" Call it what you like. However, I'm here to tell you everything about this place, and that I will do." He sighs and looks at me with some sadness that almost makes me want to comfort him.

"You look just like your mother. We were always really close before she met your dad. Then after that we all became seperate from one another after that." He sighed again and looked up at the sky. I sit there and keep quite. I'm not sure if there's anything I could add to that except that my mom didn't look anything like me. I don't know why everyone says that. We never looked alike except for our chocolate brown eyes. But, even our eyes were somewhat different for mine are more lighter with a smudge of hazel. But, it didn't matter, I didn't want to ruin the moment for this guy for I can see he is mourning over my mom as much as I do sometimes. He looks back at the huge palace that looks like a medieval castle from the early 1400's. With the huge stone as it's shell and the big pointed windows. He looks at it up and down and begins his story.

"I never wanted to live the witch life at first. Thats the reason why I left my sister and our family. They were mastering in the their powers as witches which I wanted non of. So I ran away looking for a new life. When I realized I couldn't run away from who I was and I knew I was in the bad condition of living off the streets, I decided to start a buisness that was associated with witches with some of the money my parents gave me. I created this school where young witches would go everyday to harness their powers and to learn the history of witches. At first, it wasn't successful, but soon witches were looking for places for their children to learn who were having a harder time developing than a lot of teenage witches do. I gained a lot of money from this school and soon I was able to hire more teachers and get past students to work at this school. "

"Did you have a building or something that was your school? Or did you make your students have to work in an abandoned alley or something?" He gives this look and I decided it wasn't time to crack a joke.

"No as a matter of fact I used my living space before establishing a new school. Everything was fine until the COW got involved." He looks out in the invisible horizon.

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