Ch. 5 Teleporting is a Fun way to Travel

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Ch. 5 Teleporting is a fun way to travel:

Do you ever get the feeling like you've stayed in the same exact place for far too long but can't seem to leave or escape because you're stuck in that one spot? It almost seems like time just stops and you're stuck in the middle of it, dangling, trying to break free from that little glass of isolation. So basically for about a day being stuck in my car is my isolation. I can't get out. I have to keep driving to reach the only place where my life isn't a lie anymore. I have to figure out what is waiting for me at my uncle's mansion. I am curious of the secrets being kept. The conversations hushed. It is time to resurface them.

For about 24 hours the only thing that is keeping me from my destination is the time. I mean what was I thinking? Going to Martha's Vineyard from Louisiana? I that's not even possible. I had a couple times where I thought of going back. Turning around and apologizing, but it was basically saying, "she's going home to sweet old granny because she was too wimp to figure out her own issues," kinda thing. It was stupid, I couldn't do that. In my heart, I know what I'm doing, even if it was a rash thing to do. So I continue driving along the endless freeway looking like someone who had too many energy drinks and decided not to brush her hair. Even if I was tired I sure am determined to get to this magical place that's suppose to bring me answers. I mean seriously? Why not have your life changing experience in like a far away and distant castle that was made from the angels above? Or heck, even Disney Land, the most magical place on earth and whatever! Rather your uncles house. Oh excuse me mansion. Like that makes any difference.

I was a little surprised though. My family and I never really had an abundance of money to spend, and if we did there was always the rule that we we're suppose to "share it" with the rest of the family. This was of course on my mom's side of the family. She believed that even though we don't live with them, they were still family no matter what. Which is probably the most stupidest thing I could ever hear because A, we actually need the money and B, I don't even know who my outside family even is besides Gran. My mom never talked about them. But, now the more I think about it, my mom wouldn't have talked about them. I mean they are all witches. I'm pretty sure no one really wants to be proud of that in their blood line.

I drive for a while, the big line of trees making me feel like I was in a maze. Where is no where to go but forward and back. I'm stickin' with forward. I'm not exactly sure where I am. I believe I'm almost at the border line of Louisiana. It's been a while when I realize that I'm almost out of gas. Great I'm definitely going to find one out here. I see an upcoming sign that says, "WitchDrow, 2miles." Well that's ironic giving the circumstances. Soon enough I lead my car on a little exit ramp and down into probably the most creepiest place I've ever been to. Everything was deserted. No one was on the streets. It also gave me the creepy feeling that if I got out of the car, I would be jumped. It wasn't a great feeling. I kept driving till I found a gas station that should have been closed down 2o years ago. Everything was covered in rust, giving it the orange and red color. Oh well, if it works that's all I care.

I drive my car into one of the spaces,(actually it is the only space) and get out of my car. I pay for the gas and fill it up. I stand there thinking and wondering why they didn't at least give this place a paint job, I mean either these people like the "rust" feel or they just have really bad eyes because this place was in bad shape. Even the sign which is unreadable because the rust covering it, is hanging off the pole keeping it up. During a thunderstorm I could see that thing flying off and accidentally hitting someone. Not like this place actually gets rain. Which was another creepy thing. In Louisiana, it ALWAYS rains, even if it is humid outside. This place looks like it hasn't gotten rain for at least 5 years. All the trees that I can see are leaf less and looks like their all dying. Which isn't weird because it Autumn but still is weird that ALL the trees are like that. Kind of reminds me of my school...hmmm. As I start to feel uneasy I walk inside the little store adjacent to the gas station. It was one of those stores where truck drivers usually buy energy drinks and cigarettes. No wonder there's that awful cigarette smoke engulfing this place. But. The smoke. It smells a little bit different than cigarette smoke, like something was burning. Like a fire. Fire.

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