ch. 13 Who's tough now?:

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Ch. 13. Who's tough now?:

I won't say winning the capture the flag game isn't great. It truely was great, however being threatened wasn't the most thrilling part. Our steps quickened as we make our way back to Tutis, the green team in front, laughing and hoarsing around. The rest of the teams trailed behind, giving all of us, (espically me and Simon) dirty looks. They are awfully good at making someone feel like they weren't going to survive long here.

Simon notices me staring at them and walks over to me. He smiles and pats me on the shoulder.

"Don't pay attention to them. Their all just jealous of you." I give him an incredulous look.

"Me? Simon I dont know if you remember but I gave away our hiding spot dumfoundly. Heck, I almost killed myslelf by accident two or three times back there!" He laughs.

"Sybil, your being too hard on yourself, you acted like you were in control this whole mission, you have good battle technique and your power skill is not bad, pretty great for a first-timer. The reason why their all jealous is becuase you dove in there with a lot of passion and bravery!" I puff and roll my eyes but smile at the same time.

"Now your the one that's being passionate."

We walk inside the large front door into the fouer and are greeted by a tremendous banging sound of the lunch bell. Everyone runs happily in unison down a long hallway and disappear. I wasn't in the mood to eat, I have an idea and its something I sadly must do....

I walked to the hospital door and am greeted by Hollen. She looks up at me, holding a tray full of food.

"Is that for him?"

"Yes Sybil, but he hasn't eaten any of it. Its like he doesnt want to do anything." Hollen shifts the food around on the tray. I put my hands out and take the tray silently from her.

"Here, let me take it, I need to talk to him about my next plan." I tell Hollen my plan and her face goes pure white and her hands start to shake.

"Sybil I really don't think-"

"Look! thats the only thing I came up with. we can't leave him here! For starters its not a bad idea! Look I got to go, we'll talk more about details later." Hollen looks like she's about to protest but re-thinks it. She simply nods and leads me into a secret door from the hospital. The door is fashoined as a store room, but if you put in the right code, you will see it turns into a desending staircase. Hollen gives me directions of how to get back up and leaves me to look hopelessly down at the staircase of doom. I walk down and down. I shiver with slight fear of what was to lay in store for me.

I walk down the rickety, spiraling staircase to the darkly lit hallway of the dungeon. When I come here I always feel like it's damp, either it's how sweaty I am or there's a actual plumbing problem in this building. I'm just going to stick with being sweaty.

I walk down the hall where the floors are hard black concrete that are polished and the dim lights give off this blue affect. The walls have intricate doors of different kinds along the walls.

When I see the weird submarine looking door I halt in front of it and take a deep breath. The truth is, I am nervous to see Xander. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he throws a knife at my head just for kicks. I block all scary thoughts of what's in for me and push open the door. Xander is crouched in one corner toying with something. When he sees me step inside he gets up and runs towards me.

"Sybil wait don't!" When I step inside something wraps around my ankle and yanks me up. I yelp and fall to the floor. Suddenly I'm yanked up again and I hang upside down like a bat. I kick and scream with frustration.

"Xander!!! Get me down now!" Xander just laughs and tilts his body to look at me upside down.

"Are you stuck here let me help you with that. He brings his knife close to my face and I get an idea. I speak to him dreamily.

"Oh Xander your so tough having a switchblade." I bat my eyes at him. Over exaggerating just a tad. He walks closer to me and is about to say something when I hit him in the face with a snow ball. He wipes it off and sees a smirking me hanging upside down with my arms crossed.

"Yeah so tough." I laugh. Suddenly out of know where Xander throws the knife at the rope that's holding me up and I feel gravity come rushing towards me. I yelp, I put my hands out in front of me to land. Instead of hitting the ground, Xander swooshes on the ground and catches me. Imagine an embarrassing look on my face being held by a 6'2 guy that's sitting on the ground......not a pleasant sight. I shove his arms away and land on the ground.

"So you were saying about me not being tough?" He gets up and starts pacing his jail cell. He looks way angrier than before. His black hair is tousled and there's circles around his dark ocean blue eyes. He looks more pale than ever before. It was unsettling to see him this way.

"Well I had food for you but thanks to your wonderful trap it's kind of sprawled everywhere....well bye! I turn around when I hear him speak up. I turn around to see him staring at the ground with his hands clenched.

"You didn't just come here to bring me food. I'm never leaving am I. Guess I'll have to make a heroic escape."

"Unless I throw a snowball at you." I mutter. "Look your right, I'm sorry, but I can't let you go yet I-" he cuts me off.

"Little early for you to be saying that darling." He winks. I punch him in the shoulder. I look at him sternly and he instantly goes back to pacing in the cell all serious like.

"Sybil, how do you know I haven't contacted my crew yet? They could be here right now and you don't even know it." I sigh.

"Look there's a million things you are probably secretly doing and I don't know about it. But, I just have to have faith. Faith is the only thing I've been living off of basically my whole life. Faith but also fear. And I can't believe I'm saying this, I mean you out of all people, but I have to have faith in you." Xander catches my eye and I can see even more hate in his eyes. But, something....there was something in there that wasn't just hate. Loneliness. I can almost feel empathy for him. Alone. I'm sure having your parents die makes you a pretty lonely person. However, I don't know Xander's life. There's something he's not telling me. Maybe he doesn't actually like being a WitchHunter after all.....maybe.

"Sybil why are you staring at me?" I ignore his question and instead give him the idea I've been stressing over all day.

"Would you like to join Tutis Academy with me?"

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