Chapter 3:

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So, I did this chapter when I was in a bad mood... so, it'll probably suck.  but here goes nothing..

Chapter 3:

I was at Math class and it was my last subject. I was staring at the clock above Mrs. James silently counting in my head. 3.. 2.. 1…

Then the bell rang. “Okay, that’s all for today! Goodbye class, enjoy your Halloween Dance later!!”

I rolled my eyes at the mention of the Halloween Dance. It was now Friday, and tonight’s the Halloween Dance. Everyone was so busy talking to their partners, telling each other what time they’ll go to their house, what color of makeup they should wear and such; while here I am walking towards my locker to put my things there not giving a shit.

When I reached my locker, I opened it up. While I was setting aside my things, someone yelled my name.


My eyes widened while having a curious expression on my face. Jesus Christ, who the fuck was that? I turned around and finally saw who was yelling

Anna Evans. “SERENAAAAAAAAAA!!” she yelled again as she walked… more like jogged quickly to me, “ I need you to do me a favor.”

“Oh, Jesus Christ what does she need this time.” I said rolling my eyes.

“I need you to come with me to the Halloween dance.”


“Please?????” she quickly asked me, giving me a puppy-eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at her.. “Why not go with Eduard. He’s your boyfriend.”

“Because PDA is not allowed.”

“Ugh.” I rolled my eyes. “Why did they even themed it as couples’ night when people are not allowed to PDA.”

“I know right. So, Eduard and I were planning on being the bride and groom and our partners will be the maid of honor and the best man. And I chose you to be my maid of honor because…well, you’re my best friend!” she told me enthusiastically.

I smiled a little. I was flattered that she called me her best friend. “Guhhhh!” I scowled at her while shaking my whole body.

“So is that a ‘yes’?” she batted her eyes.

“NO” I said shaking my head

“Awwwwww, c’mon, Ser! Please? Just this time!” she begged me.




“C’mon, Ser! Just this time!”

I closed my locker shut and locked it. I walked away from Anna but she followed me.

“Serena! Come on! Please?” she half yelled at me while keeping my pace.

I quickened my pace. “Anna, I said no.”

“Damn it. Ser, stop a little, please. Damn, for a fat girl you do know how to walk hella fast!” she told me while slightly catching her breath as I stopped at the corner. I chuckled.

“Actually I was running.” I told her with a wink. “Look, Anna, I would, but, tonight’s the dance. I don’t have anything to wear, and there’s no way I’m going to find a cute dress that’ll fit me.”

She just gave me a smile. “Serena. Just this once. Come on? Okay. Tell you what. I’ll treat you every time we go out, meaning you, me and the rest, for let’s say…” she stopped to think about it. “a month. Everything. Free. You won’t spend even a single penny.”

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