Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

“You’re a bit infuriating, you know that?” he commented.

I laughed. “I am, am I?”

John rolled his eyes while still smiling. “Okay, fine Ms. Serena I don’t know Beverly, when’s your birthday then?”

“July 23rd, Mr. John who doesn’t want to tell me his middle name Young.”

“Oh. Wow.” His eyes looked shocked.

I gave him a questioning look. “what, why?”

“Well, uhmm..”


“You have the same birthday as my dog.”

“oh! Cool, what’s his name? What kind of dog is he? Or.. wait is it a she?”

“It’s a he.” He smiled; a smile that made his eyes sparkle and made me want to stare at it forever. Wow, Ser. I mentally rolled my eyes.

“His name his Wild he’s a golden retriever.” He continued.

I chuckled. “What the? Why on earth would you name your dog ‘Wild’?”

“What? So when we’re together we’re Young and Wild.” He said with a wink.

I chuckled.

“Well who’s Free then?” I joked.

“My other pet dog.” He said with no emotion.

I stopped chuckling. “WHAT” I asked flatly.

“Free, our other dog.”

I laughed. “Holy!” HAHAHAHA “Shit!” HAHAHAHA “Seriously!?” HAHAHAHA “You have a...” HAHAHAHA

I couldn’t stop laughing. Holy shit this guy is a genius! He’s amazing!

He watched me, smiling, as I laugh. When I finished I was still smiling and he was still looking at me.

“You done?” he asked.

I chuckled. “yep.” I said bit down my chuckle, looking down.

“You look so happy when you laugh. You look so carefree.”

I looked up and smiled at him shyly.

We went silent for a while. Then I spoke.

“So when’s yours?”

“My what?” he asked.

“You birthday, duh.” I said rolling my eyes.

“Oh” he chuckled. “Today.”

“What?! Seriously?!”


“Holy shit.” I stood up straight. “Happy Birthday.. oh my god.” I started to walk towards him for me to hug him when I realized we aren’t even that close. So I inclined my body against the railing, thinking of what exactly I would give him.

“Thanks.” He smiled.

I smiled back.

“So!” He said clasping his hands together causing it to make a sound. “Tell me about your parents!” he said enthusiastically.

“Oh, well my mom is an event planner she’s 45 but she thinks she’s still in her 20s, she’s sarcastic, funny and annoying at times but I love her, and well my dad is an engineer he’s almost the same as my mom, funny, sarcastic and annoying at times, except he’s three years older than my mom and sweet. Sometimes when they’re both home in the weekends, they always go out on a date or stay at home and cuddle on the couch like teenagers. And I’m stuck there watching them make out. They actually made a personalized shirt saying “Team Anna and Christian”.”

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