Chapter 4:

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Hey guys! Lol sorry I didn't update for 3 weeks. My mom and I were busy.. 

So yea. I hop you'll like this chapter!! Vote, Comment & add this to your library! ♥

Mom, Eduard and OH MY GOD...

I stared at the people standing from the distance, my mouth still hanging open. My mouth that was shaped like an 'O' turned into a smile and a hysterical barks of laughter filled our living room.

Mom, Eduard and...

"Rick." I said in between my laughs. I was still laughing hard. By now, I was holding my stomach to support myself and prevent myself from falling on the cold floor.

"Why are you laughing?" Eduard asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Nothing....i just..." i didn't finish my sentence because I laughed again. I cannot believe Rick is my partner for tonight. We're close friends, he's really kind and cool but he wasn't blessed with good looks. He's not ugly, just not my type. I laughed for like another whole minute before I've finally calmed myself down, or maybe a little cause I was still slightly chuckling.

"you what?" Rick asked.

"You're Eduard's best man?" I asked Rick.

He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off, "whatever," I said chuckling while shaking my head from left to right. "Mom, i'm gonna use your flats. I'm going upstairs to call Anna so we won't be late. Can't let our partners waiting" i said jokingly while i air quoted "partners"

I went up to my room and saw Anna fixing her pouch.

"Anna, let's go. Eduard and Rick is downstairs." I slightly laughed when I said Rick's name.

"Rick?" Anna asked. Her face was scrunched up.

"Yea. Your boyfriend's best man, remember?" I told her while I was getting my pouch and placing my phone there. "Come on, let's go. Can't let the guys waiting."

I pulled her out of my room and went downstairs. Mom, Eduard and Rick was sitting and chatting. When we were at the stairs, since I was the first one to go down, I saw Eduard and Rick straighten their tuxedos and stand up when they heard our footsteps. Eduard's excited and anticipating eyes waiting to see Anna. I reached the floor and stood beside Rick. When Anna was finally at sight, Eduard's eyes lit up like he has seen an angel. He stood up straight and smiled. I saw them making eye contact which made me smile also. This guy really loves my friend. They really love each other and I am happy for them.

"Hey" Anna and Eduard said flirtatiously at the same time.

That made my face scrunch. "Okay I'm fine with eye contacts but please. NO FLIRTING INSIDE MY HOUSE." I told them. They laughed softly. Anna made her way to Eduard. "You look amazing." Eduard whispered to her.

"Okay Eduard how come you chose a best man that would never compliment me?" I asked him jokingly.

"Awwwww! C'mon, Ser! You look amazingly amazing" Rick said with a hint of fun. This is what I loved about Rick. He's funny.

"Amazingly amazing your face." I told him rolling my eyes. They laughed.

We said our goodbyes to my Mom. She handed me money and let us go.

When we went out, me and Rick followed by Anna and Eduard, who closed the door, saw two black limos.

"Uhm... Why do we have two limos?" I asked both of they guys.

"We decided to have separate cars." Eduard asked.

"Well damn you're rich. So who's going with who?" I asked looking at the cars in front of my house.

"Me and Anna will go together of course." Eduard said a matter-of-factly.

"Can't wait for a room, huh." I jokingly said.

"'Kay. Let's go Rick!" I ordered him heading to the limo behind.

"Ser wait up!" Rick yelled which caused me to pause.


"I'll be taking my car." He told me. I gave him a weird look then he pointed at the car at the other side of the street.

"So... I'm gonna be riding at your car too?" I asked him.

"No. You'll be taking the limo."

"Hmm. What a good partner you are. Leaving me alone in a car with a stranger." I told him putting my right hand on my chest and pretending to wipe away tears on my face.

"Ser...i'm not...." He didn't finish his sentence because Eduard and Anna's limo honked at us. Their window was open and Eduard's face was out.

"Hurry up guys!! We can't be late." He yelled.

"Okay! Sorry!!" Rick yelled back raising a hand with a peace sign on his fingers.

"Okay at least open the door for me, "partner"" i told him air quoting partner again.


We reached the limo and Rick held the door knob.

"Here you go, your highness." Rick told me while bowing.

"Why, thank you." I smiled at him taking a bow too.

When i lifted my head, i saw a figure inside the limo. He was wearing a silver tuxedo paired with black leather shoes. His hair was gelled. He looked nervous but managed to still look perfect.

And for the second time that day, my mouth hang open.

Both of his hands were lying on his knees and it looked like he was breathing through his mouth because he was blowing air to his hands. It looked like he zoned out because he didn't notice that the car door was open and he was looking at the floor, not blinking.

I looked at Rick, who was still holding the car door.

"He's your partner." Rick said to me plainly.

I took a deep breathe and exhaled it to my mouth then bit my lower lip.

"Hey man! Sorry it took us long." Rick apologized.

With that, he lost his reverie and came back to reality. He lifted his eyes and looked straight at me. Before he could meet my eyes, I looked at the pavement. I stood there awkwardly feeling his eyes looking at me from head to toe.

No one spoke until another honk was heard. "Oh crap man. We're gonna be late. So, Ser. Get in. The couples can't wait."

I nodded. I bowed my head and sat at the left side since he was sitting at the right side. So we were now facing each other. When I've finally fixed myself, I looked at Rick and nodded my head. He closed the car's door with a smile.

I was looking down trying not to make eye contact with him. Besides from the classic music playing on the radio, there was silence.

"Uhm. Hi..." He said breaking the tension.

I looked up, trying not to be rude. "Hey, John..." I smiled at him.

Hehehehe so there you have it. I know it’s crappy but.. what the hell. HAHAHA im new so I don’t care. Who thought that it wasn’t John who was gonna be her partner then got disappointed? Comment below what you think! Vote and add this story to your library (:

* btw sorry for the mistakes and my crappy way of writing. i wasn't writing for two weeks so im a little shit on it now. and sorry for not updating lateeee. love you guys!

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