Chapter 8

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A/N: Wrote this chapter using my phone so be prepared for some small grammer problems etc. I'm slowly editing all my other chapters but make sure to comment if there are any you see.


After school was over, I sped home to get ready to meet Jack. Anna said she was going round some friends house for the evening which means I get some time alone to get ready. I have a interfering-sister free evening!

"Mum, I'll be getting ready to see a friend!" I shout from the front door and sprint up the stairs. "What friend, Elsa?" She shouts from the kicthen and I hear some pots and pans fall on the ground.

I hesitate. "Just Punzie, mum." I lie and already regret it. Its not like I'm dating Jack, we're just hanging out as new friends. "Okay, sweetie." She shouts back and I hear her tidy up the things that spilled.

I open up my closet and scan through my various clothes. The white blouse and blue pleated skirt catches my eyes so I decide to what them. Once I've got changed, I redo my light make up and decide to wear my hair down instead of in a twisted bun like usual.

Finally, I head downstairs and wait for any sign of Jack. Trying to avoid my mum is easy because of her passion for cooking, sometimes she asks too many questions.

My phone suddenly beeps and I already know who it is. "I'm outside." It simply says so I say goodbye to my mum and leave the house. The only car nearby is a white Ferrari, that can't be Jack? My questions are answered when the cars window rolls down and Jack appears.

"Impressive car." I compliment and get in the passenger side. Jack chuckles before starting the engine again. The drive starts in silence until Jack makes a conversation.

"So," he starts and takes a left turn to somewhere I've never actually been before. "I've arranged everything tonight so I hope you enjoy it!" He enthusiasticly says and I smile to him. He is sweet.

"Wow, I never knew you were a nice guy." I joke and he laughs slightly. "You'd be surprised." He replies and parks up in some unfamiliar car park which is near a tiny wooden building. I'm getting worried, I still don't fully trust him.

"Where are we?" I ask with a hint of uncertainty in my voice. Jack must notice because he holds out his hand and waits for me to hold it. Pausing for a moment, I finally take his hand and let him guide me to the wooden shack.

"Jack, seriously. Where are we?" I ask again and try to get a better look when we finally are outside the shack. Fear of being pranked or played swarms me until Jack turns on a light, revealing a beautiful setting;

Inside the wooden shack, there a whole small living space. A kitchen, living room, bathroom and sleeping rooms. The main area all decorated in fairy lights and other pretty things. I smile widely when we enter and Jack gestures me to sit down on the leather chair.

"Woah," is all I manage to say before I stand up again and look around.

"There's more. I also have my own outdoor area with a pond and garden." He explains and opens another door which reveals even more beauty. I'm amazed.

"Is this place yours?" I ask in disbelief. He nods slightly before leading me outside and past the decorated benches. Fireflies and the sound of crickets fill the calm air. We sit down on a layed out blanket by the pond.

"Yeah, its mine. Do you like it?" He asks and gives me a hopeful look. I love it!

"Jack, it's wonderful!" I excitingly say to him and he chuckles before looking at the pond in front of us. The dim light adds to the calming mood as we sit in the comfortable silence.

"I brought some snacks." He breaks the silence and put a small bag in the middle of the blanket. I look inside it to find sweets and all types of yummy goods.

"So, whats your story?" He curiously asks and I widen my eyes! Nobody has ever asked me about myself before.

"There's nothing interesting about me, Jack." I sadly say and he gently lifts up my chin with his left hand. I look at him and sadly smile at him.

"I don't believe that for a second." He replies and removes his hand from my chin and rests them on his lap. "Tell me about you." He says again and I breath in before telling him about myself.

"Well, my life has always been simple and easy, if anything its been boring. I always get good grades and like I said, there's nothing interesting about me. I mean, you're Jack Frost. Your life is full of adventure and fun!" I explain and wave my hands when I say his name. He looks at me and puts his eyes downcast.

"Elsa, there's not one person at school who knows the first thing about me. The real me, I mean." He softly says and weakly smiles at me.

"People see me as just a title, Jack Frost. He's the guy who girls want to be with and guys want to be. People want to be friends with me because I'm popular or whatever. They don't want to know me as a person." He explains and looks up at me.

I don't know why but I feel myself slowly leaning closer and closer.

A/N: Cliffhanger! Will they kiss?

Thanks for reading again and that's it for this A/N because I have no new news or updates so until next time...


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