Chapter 14

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The next day Dee and Harry come over to Niall's. We are all going to a game today and then Niall is making us all dinner tonight.

We all head over to the stadium. I am able to get us the same great seats again. Before we sit down Dee asks me to take a walk with her first. She asks me how things are going with Niall. I tell her what's happened. How I feel that he likes me but then I feel he's holding back also. She seems as confused as I am. She assures me that I should be patient and let things happen in their own time. I tell her "I know you're right. It's just hard."

"Oh believe me, I know. But it's all worth it in the end" She replies, thinking of her own relationship with Harry.

We return to the seats. The game starts and I can't help but notice the way Harry looks at Dee. With such love, like he can't bear to take his eyes off her. I see Dee then turn to look at Harry. He's already looking at her. They both smile, stare into each others eyes and then kiss. They then hold hands and both turn back to the game. I see this happen several times throughout the game.

I am so happy for my friend. She has truly found something special. At that moment I look over at Niall. I'm surprised to find him already looking at me. I smile, his eyes soften. He gives me a gentle kiss on the cheek then puts his arm around me. Our attention returns to the game and I remind myself- be patient, Becca.

At one point during the game my editor calls. I excuse myself to take the phone call. I have no idea until much later the conversation that takes place while I'm gone.

"So Niall, do you have feelings for Becca?" Dee asks.

"I do. I have since you introduced me to her 7 months ago." Niall replies.

"Well I can guarantee you that she has feelings for you as well. So what's the hold up?" Dee demands.

"She's special and I don't want to rush her." Niall says.

"Ok, I get that. But I know you Niall. There's something more." Dee pushes.

Niall pauses then replies. "You know I love my job, but it's hard on relationships. I have strong feelings for Becca and I'm not sure I want to put her through the craziness. The long distance, crazy schedule, everything."

"Oh Niall. If you guys really care about each other you can make it work. Her job is super flexible. She could travel with you a lot of the time. Have you even told her how you feel?"

"No, I haven't." Niall answers.

"You should tell her and let her decide if she is willing to put up with the craziness that is your life. You can't decide that for her. Just think about it. You've got time." Dee says then gives Niall a hug.

I return from my call to find Dee and Niall hugging. Uh oh. "What's up?" I ask Dee.

She moves back to her seat and says. "Oh nothing, just getting an awesome Nialler hug."

I sit down and Niall puts his arm around me

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