Chapter 32

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When we get back to our room we cuddle up together on the couch to watch some football. As Niall holds me and I relax into his embrace, I think about how perfect this is. Some girls may need fancy dresses and extravagant dates, but I'm happiest watching sports with Niall. It means everything to me that this makes him happy too.

At that exact moment he kisses my head, looks down at me and says. "This is perfect isn't it? Cuddlin' and sports." He laughs. Sometimes I wonder if he can read my thoughts.

"It's absolutely perfect." I say as I run my hand up and down Niall's arm.

We stay up late watching the game. "I have something for you." Niall tells me.

"Niall, you've already given me so much."

He pulls a small box out of his jacket pocket. "This is to always remind you of our time here." He hands it to me.

I open the box to find the prettiest, most delicate charm bracelet. I take it out of the box to look at it more closely. My breath catches in my throat and my eyes sparkle with the tears that are forming. "Oh Niall, it's the absolute best gift I've ever received."

Niall smiles. "See the little Eiffel Tower for our time here. And the Irish flag for me and the American flag for you. And the heart, that's because you've stolen mine."

I can't hold back the tears. I look up into Niall's eyes to see that his are wet with tears as well.

"Niall, thank you. I love it." I reach over to kiss him and I whisper in his ear. "You've stolen my heart too, Niall."

He takes my hand and we stand up. Niall takes the bracelet and puts it on me. "I can't wait to add more charms to it for you." He says before adding. "Let's go to bed."

I follow him into the bedroom. We make love gently and passionately before falling asleep in each others arms. There's something that feels so right, lying skin to skin with Niall. 

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