Chapter 9

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I've been laying in bed for a couple hours but can't go to sleep. All I can think about is Niall. Maybe if I get up and get a drink of water.

I get up and head out to the kitchen. I look up to see Niall is already there.

"Are you ok?" He asks me. "I'm fine, just couldn't sleep." I reply.

"I had a dream and couldn't go back to sleep." Niall says as he's looking me up and down.

I realize I'm wearing "short" sleep shorts and a tight t-shirt. Niall is wearing sweatpants and nothing else. And I mean literally nothing else. His sweats are riding so low there's no way he could be wearing boxers under them.

"I'm sorry, was it a bad dream?" I ask.

Niall replies. "No not a bad dream." He swallows hard. "Just distracting." He's looking me up and down again.

I can't seem to move. All I know is I feel very warm all of a sudden. Very warm. Everywhere.

Niall visibly shakes his head, as if trying to focus. "How about I fix us some chamomile tea? Maybe that will help."

I reply "Sure." But I don't think either of us believes it will help.

I sit at the table and Niall brings the tea over. We both seem to relax a bit and talk for awhile about cooking.

"We should invite Harry and Dee over and I can make us all dinner." Niall suggests.

I get stuck on the word WE for a moment. I smile. "That would be great."

We finish our tea and say our goodnights again. The tea may help a little, however I think we both have restless nights ahead of us.  

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