Chapter 17

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We say goodnight to Harry and Dee. As I shut the door, I feel Niall's hands on my waist. Heat radiates through my body. Such a simple touch does so much to me. I can hear his labored breathing close to my ear. My heart rate quickens. Niall begins kissing my neck. Fires are igniting deep within me. He moves closer behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. He's kissing my bare shoulders. His lips feel so hot against my skin. His kisses move back to my neck. I let out a low moan. Niall takes this as an invitation to intensify his kisses. Then I feel gentle yet overwhelming bites on my neck. I can't help but release a slow deep moan.

I turn in Niall's embrace to face him. As he stares at me I notice his beautiful blue eyes are dark with want. He places both of his hands aside my face. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

My eyes shift. "What's wrong?" Niall asks.

"I've just never been good at accepting compliments." I say quietly.

Niall's hands are in my hair now. "Well you need to get better at it. Cause you'll be getting a lot from me."

Then his lips are on mine. So sweet at first, then the intensity grows. I open my lips to accept his urging tongue. His moan gives me confidence. I move my hands to his back and then down to the back pockets of his jeans. I pull him closer. I want him so close to me it's like we are one. Our tongues move together in perfect rhythm. I can feel how much he wants me. His kisses move down to the base of my throat. I throw back my head and whisper his name. His kisses work their way back up to my lips. We share several sweet kisses before he pulls back slightly. His eyes meet mine and we stay just like that for a few moments.

Niall kisses me on the forehead and takes my hand. He leads me to the couch. "Maybe we should sit and talk a bit." He says quietly. We are both still trying to return to normal breathing. Niall seems to be trying to find the words he wants to say.

"Becca, obviously I have some pretty serious feelings for you. I've been captivated by you from the day we met." He pauses then continues. " I want you badly......but I also respect you. I don't want us to rush this.

"Niall, I've had feelings for you since that first day also. I felt like I met the other half of me. And those feelings have only grown over the passing months. I want you too Niall. I think we should just take this one step at a time and do whatever feels right."

Niall smiles. As he moves in to kiss me he says. "I know that this feels right." I laugh against his lips. He laughs too before we share a long tender kiss.

I'm amazed at how natural this feels, how comfortable we are together. Passionately kissing one moment, and laughing together the next.

We both get up from the couch and Niall reluctantly walks me to my bedroom. "Goodnight Becca, tonight has been amazing." Niall says quietly before kissing me. He rubs his hands up and down my back before releasing me.

"Goodnight Niall." I say with a full heart. He walks to his room and stands in his doorway watching me till I turn to enter my room.   

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