Chapter 34

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Our next stop is the Rodin Museum. We stroll hand in hand through the beautiful gardens. Admiring the many amazing sculptures.

As we come to Rodin's sculpture "The Kiss" we admire it's beauty for sometime. It's so alluring and dramatic. It reminds me sweetly of what Niall and I have shared this trip. I look up at Niall and wonder what he's thinking. He turns from the sculpture to look at me. "It's remarkable isn't it?" He asks me.

"Yes it's absolutely stunning." I reply.

"Everytime I see it now it will remind me of our trip here. And our special connection." Niall says, then he puts his hands on my waist and kisses me. I put my arm around his neck and we are lost in each other as we share passionate kisses.

Several clicking noises bring us back to reality. People are taking pictures of us. At first I think they must realize who Niall is. Then at the same time Niall and I look at the sculpture then back at each other. We both come to the same realization. We are ironically standing in front of The Kiss sculpture and kissing in a similar pose. Niall and I start to laugh. Everyone around us smiles, realizing we hadn't planned that. One very nice American lady shows us the picture and offers to send it to me. I give her my email address so she can send it right to me. As I save it onto my phone I wonder how long it will take these people to realize they have a pretty valuable picture of Niall Horan.

We take our time walking through the rest of the beautiful gardens.

It's getting late and we are getting hungry. Niall has the driver take us to a quiet, romantic little french restaurant. We order our food and Niall seems distracted. "Is everything alright?" I ask him.

"Uh ya, I'm just a bit distracted by you. I miss you. It's been awhile since we've been "together" and that's all I can think about honestly." Niall confesses.

I blush a bit. And then I am suddenly very warm thinking about how badly he wants me. I can't even speak, I'm so overwhelmed by thoughts of us together.

Niall laughs. "I can see your thinking about it as well."

I've honestly never seen two people eat so quickly before in my life. When we finish Niall tells the waitress we'd like our desserts to go and could she please bring the check right away.

I can tell by the smile on her face that she understands our urgency.   

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