Chapter 41

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We arrive back in London late and head straight to Niall's house. "The trip was amazing but it's nice to be home as well. Would you like some tea?" Niall asks.

"I'd love some." I help Niall make our tea, then we sit on the couch in the livingroom.

"So, Becca, I know your trip will be ending soon and I was wondering if you've given any thought as to where you are gonna live? I mean will you be staying in America? Or are you thinking of moving here?"

I knew we would be having this talk at some point, I guess I just wasn't planning on it tonight.

"I have to admit I was having such a great time in Paris, I wasn't thinking too far ahead." I reply nervously.

Niall nods his head, then looks around the room anxiously.

"Is everything ok?" I ask him.

"Yes. I just want to ask you something?"

"What is it?" I ask him with butterflies in my stomach. I'm just not sure if they should be good butterflies or bad.

Niall puts his tea down and takes both my hands in his. He looks into my eyes. I get lost in the sea of blue for a moment, then I try to focus on what he's saying.

"Becca, I love you and I don't want to be without you." He pauses.

"I feel the same way Niall." I reply.

"Good. How would you feel about moving to London and living with me?" Niall smiles.

I'm speechless for a moment. A concerned look comes across Niall's face.

I smile to reassure him. "I'd love to Niall. If you are sure that's what you want?"

Niall grins. "Absolutely!"

He leans over and kisses me and holds me. "You've made me very happy Becca. We'll talk about the details tomorrow, for now let's go to bed."

I smile as we walk to Niall's room. I finally get to help him rumple those sheets.   

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