Welcome to my world

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Dipper p.o.v

"Hahaha, looks like I win pines family." Bill laughs as he looks over his new human body will a smirk. "Bill we will stop you and put you back in hell were you belong." Ford yells. Mable hide behind me with tears falling, and red checks. The big hole in the sky widen as demons fry and crawl out. "Now go and break this poor pathetic world and make it into the world I want!" Bill yells to all the demons and hellhounds that come out. "Yes, my lord." They all answered back, as they start ripping the world a part.

People screams filled the air, blood and people we once knew where dead. Body ever where. Death ever where. Insanity ever where. "Now let have a little fun." Bill snaps his finger and Ford, Mable, and Stand fall to the ground holding the stomach and yelling in pain. "Bill stop! Please?" I yelled with tears streaming down my face. I couldn't help the tears for falling, the world I once new was falling a part and I couldn't do any thing about it. "hmmm, I will stop." I look up at him with confusion. Bill would never give up that easily. "You know me so well my pine tree." He said putting a hand on his heart as he read my mind.I wiped the tears away with my blue jacket sleeve. "What do you want form me. You all ready took over the world what more do you want?" I yelled trying to hold the tears in. "You." He said letting his feet his the ground. The more he walked closer the more I back away. "I want you." he said getting closer, I back away till I tripped and fell landing on my butt. "What do you want me for?" I asked with fear in my voice.

He could tell I was scared and he liked that. The pain, fear, and sadness I felt he loved it all. I looked into those yellow eyes, wanting to know the answer but then again fear told me I didn't want to know. His grin grew, he lifted my chin up with his black gloved hand. "Lets make a deal pine tree." I slapped his hand away. "No way! I would never!" I yelled on the top of my lungs. "Are you sure about that." He pointed to my family that was now knocked out. "We both know you will do any thing I say if your family is involved." He was right, I couldn't just leave them with this crazy mother fucker when I had a changes to save them. "that's the sprit pine tree!" he said throwing his arms in the air. "What's the deal?" Those are words that he was happy to hear. "Well, I don't really have to make a deal with you I could just make you by torcher your family. But since I'm such a nice person." he said with a small laugh. Yeah, right nice. I said to myself. "I will be fair this time for you my pine tree. But don't expect me to do this a lot." I nodded to show I understood. "Here's the deal. I will give your family the easy street. I wont hurt or kill them and they can live in my castle safe and sound. And you Dipper pines." When he said my real name it made me a little uneasy. "You become mine. We will get married and you become my queen of this new world."

I slowly nodded. He pull his hand out of his pants pocket for me to shake and make the deal that will change the rest of my life. I hesitate before I shook his hand. and that was the end. No turning back. I was a demons, but not any demon the king of this new world and soon to be my husband. What has this world come to besides the end?

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