He's a bit Tad Strange

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Dipper p.o.v

I didn't care if Bill was made at me. He didn't come back since are little fight. A small part of me was sorry. I shook my head. No, I'm not letting him get to me. No matter what. I hate Bill. I snapped out of my thoughts when the door open."Are you ready to apologize to your king, pine tree?"I crossed my arms and looked the other way. Bill growled slamming the door. I jumped at the sound. Bill pushed me down on the bed claiming on top of me."Say it!" He yelled "Apologize to your king now!" I shook my head."No!"

Bill held both wrist with one hand. He bend down to my ear."Guess I'll have to make you do it then." That sent shivers down my back. "Your such a bad boy, pine tree." He said licking my neck. "Bad boys get punished." I shut my eyes tight, whimpering feeling him suck my neck."Bill stop~" I moan. I bit my lip, not wanting to let that moan go. "Shut up!" His grip around my wrist tighten. "Your pissing me off. Have you forgot I have your family!" My eyes snapped open. "I want to rip them all apart! Make them bleed out! but I don't because of our deal!" He growls. "I'm about to fuck our deal! I don't need to make a deal with you to own you! I'm a fucking king of hell and earth I already own you! For the day you were fucking born I own you!"

 I was sobbing. I was just so upset. The pain in my wrist were gone but he still held on tight. He glared at me waiting for a responds. "I- I'm s-sorry." I choked out. "That's not good enough!" I whimper at his loud tone. "W-what do you w-ant me t-to do?" I said through sobs. "Beg!" He growls. "Beg like the disobedient slut you are." I slowly nodded. Trying to stop my crying the best I could."I-I'm sorry Bill. Pl-please for give me." I started to sob again before I continued. "Please my king f-for give me. I'm sorry." I couldn't see Bill that much because the tears where in the way making it hard to see. But Bill held a smirk. "Good boy pine tree.~" He whispered in my ear. "Your king forgives you. Just don't disobey me any more." He said growling the last sentence.

He pushes his self off me, flattening his suit with his hands. "I'm hungry." He says with a small smirk."You mush be starving pine tree. Come along." I didn't want to disobey plus I was starving. I push myself up of the warm bed full of tears. Bill wrapped his arm around my neck as we walk down the hall to the dining room. "I love you pine tree." Bill said. He wait for me to say the same. Even after all the horrible things he does to me why the hell do I feel this warm love feeling? I thought I hated him or is that a lie I keep telling myself. What is wrong with me. What has he done to me? "I-I love you to." He kissed my forehead. "I know you do."
The dining room was big and golden. A servants pulled both me and Bills chair out and a another one set a plate down in front of us. The warm food made my mouth water. I inhaled the sweet smell. Not waiting a single moment I cut a piece of my stake shoving it in my mouth. I chew slowly saving the warm juicy taste. "I'm guessing it's to your liking pine tree." I quickly nodded, a little blush formed on my cheeks. "Your so cute pine tree." I blushed even more chewing my last bite. "Bill, I'm really am sorry." He had his elbow on the table with his chin set in his hand with a small smirk. "I know you are pine tree." I looked down at my empty plate. "No, Bill I didn't tell you when I should have. I was just-" I started to cry. The thoughts of
It all flooded in. The way he touched me and his voice. It was nothing like Bills and I hated it. It was awful and it made me sick. I pushed out of my chair running to Bill, jumping in his lap. I started to sob for the second time today. Bill held me in his arms. I tightly held on his suit. He brushed the back of my hair with his fingers. "What happened pine tree. Tell me.Bill will make it all better baby~" I slowly nod, calming down. "When you told me to go back to our room I did but-" I paused. "Their was someone else their." I started to cry again and Bill rubbed small circle on my back. "Its already pine tree. Tell me who they were and I'll kill them." He said simply.

I shook my head. "No, you can't." "And why not?" Bill growled. "Because, I don't know who it was." Bill pulled me back wiping my tears away. "I will find who did this and make them feel terrible pain." He promised.
Bill sat on his throne and I sat on his lap, burying my face in his chest. "Plaese master we look ever where but we still can't find him." A demon said looking up at Bill on his throne. Bill made a tsk sound with his mouth. "Did I asked for the reason your failing me? No, I want the guy who upset my pine tree!" Bill yells slamming his fist on the arm of his throne. "Master, how are we suppose to find him when you don't even know what he looks like! All you told us is he has a deep voice and is a male!" Bill growls."Don't rise your voice at me you piece of shit!" The demon backed down. "S-sorry master. We'll find him." Bill chuckled. "Of course you will because if you don't I'm going to kill you." The demon nodded, bowing then walked away.

"It's all right pine tree we'll find him." Dark laughed filled the room. "You shouldn't keep promise Bill. Your a demon your bound to break it." A voice said. Bill jumped up settings me on the floor. "Tad!" He stepped out of the shadow that hid him grinning. "Well, hello Bill." Bill made fist with his hands. His knuckles turned white. "I'm going to kill you!" Tad just laughs. "O, Bill why would you do a thing like that. I thought we were friends?"

"Shut the fuck up. We were never friends!" Tad shook his head. "Give me back my gun to! I know it was you!" Tad pull out the gun from his back pocket. "You mean this thing?" He said spinning it around his finger.

I froze in place. That voice! Tads voice! Its exactly the same as-----

Fear came over me. My knee became wobbly and my face pale. "What the matter boo?~ You look like you seen a ghost." Tad chuckled. Bill growled "What the hell did you do to him!" Bill brushed my cheek with his fingers. "What's wrong baby~" Bill asked in a gentle voice. "I-its him." I pointed to Tad. "The guy." Tears poured out. Bill heard enough. He jumped down from his throne punching Tad right in the jaw sending him falling and making him drop the gun.

"I'm going to kill you!" Bill said punching Tad again. Tad punch Bill in the stomach. "Sure, I think it's the other way around if you ask me." Tad laughs. Bill pushes him to the ground getting up on top of him punching him at least 6 times before Tad turned him over and did the same. They did this for about 30 mins before they pushed each other apart standing about 15 feet away for each other.

"I'm tired of playing games." Tad said serious now. He bend down grabbing the gun next to his foot, pointing it at Bill. "Time to die Bill Cipher." He said pulling the tricker. "No!" I scream but it was to late Bill hit the ground not moving a inch. I ran over to him throwing myself on him. "Bill!" I sobbed in to his suit. "Bill wake up! Please!" Tad laughed pulling me away from Bills dead body. "Sorry baby but he's dead and I'm the new king now!" I try fighting out of his grip. "Let me go!" Tad growls pinning me down. "Shut up you bitch.Your mine now!" He said ripping my shirt off. He started to kiss my neck and down my chest. I pushed him away which pissed him off. He picked me up then slammed me down on the ground hard. I cry out in pain. "I'm the new king don't you for get that." He growled in my ear then began kissing and sucking my chest again. I didn't move afraid I would anger Tad. My vision was getting blurry. Must have been for the hit in the head. I slowly turned my head to look at Bills lifeless body before I blacked out with Tad sucking my chest.

1562 words! The longest I did in a long time! Hoped you liked it! Bye and love you all! (Sorry if there's errors spell checks a bitch!)

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