My heart is a mess because of you .

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My heart is a mess because of you.

Dipper p.o.v

Bill drank at least 6 glasses of alcohol, yet he wasn't even no where close to drunk. He hasn't talk to me the hole night. He was in some kind of pissy mood. I wasn't going to bother him either. "Pine tree lets go." He said slamming his 7th glass on the corner. I was a bit scared but followed him any ways. What choice do I have.

We entered our room and before I even knew what was going on Bill throw me on our bed and began kissing me. I could feel his tongue move around in my mouth. I couldn't help but kiss back. We went at it like our lifes depended on it. Bill stopped and pulled away. He lifted my chin up and his thumb brushed my cheek, giving me a depressed look. I grab his hand that rested in my cheek, frowning."What's wrong Bill?" It broke my heart to see him like this. No, Dipper he's evil and you don't love him. I said to my self.

Bill didn't respond for a while. Then he spoke."Pine tree I- " he stopped him self. "I'm sorry if I hurt you but I can't help that. That's how demons are. That's how I am. That's who I am." He brushed my lightly blushing cheek once more. "But, I want you to know that I love you. So very much. Your my every thing. I have been a live for billions of years and I have never truly fell in love the way I love you. You are the first and last thing on my mind each and every day." I held back the tears as much as possible. I think I'm cracking and he's finally finding his way in. "I will never let you go. If I did I would be broken." He kissed my lips. I couldn't do it any more. The tears came out and I held on to Bill. Wrapping my arms around his neck."I love you Dipper."

"I love you to Bill." Has he really won? Am I truly done trying? Have I really giving up?
But do I really love Bill? I dint really know for sure but right now I just want to kiss him, hug him, and never leave his side.

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