the end

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This is the end of this fan fictions. If you want me to write a other Bill taken over the type of fan fictions give this a like and comment below.
I'm back and  it's been about a year but now I can update my fan fictions and write new ones. The time I was a way I wrote some really good billdip fan fictions that I can't wait to share with you guys! I also improved on my write. I also would like to give a friendly reminder that my fan fictions are 18 + but like I said in a other fan fiction there's probley 13 years reading this. Which I'm not complaining! Just know that most of my fan fictions have murder, rape,strong language, violence, sex and so on. I just don't want to upset my readers. If you read some of my other fan fictions and would like me to update those just comment the title please and I'll get right on that. Anyways have a amazing day!

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