Your up to no good

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Dipper p.o.v

My heart was telling me one thing and my head was telling me a other. I love Bill, or do I? I just don't know. I didn't get any sleep last night not after all that Bill said. Can I even trust the things he said to me. Yes they were sweet loving things but he's a demon they lie.

"Pine tree." I snapped out of my thoughts."Y-yes?" I put on a small smile. "Are you even listening?" I nodded even it was a lie. He sighed."Pine tree it important you pay attention. I know Tad and I know for a fact that he's up to something." He growl the last part. I didn't want to make him any more mad then he already was so I just nodded and listen.

"Tad is a backstabber. He's always been.I would have taken over the world earlier but he screwed me over!" He said slamming his fist on his desk. I jumped hearing the loud noise."So you haven't you killed him already?" He brushes his hair back with his fingers."Like I said Tads Tad. He could take over the world if he wanted to but I'm stronger." I nodded to show I'm listening."I need to find him before---" "Master!" Someone burst in the door of Bills study room cutting him off. "What." He growls. "The gun!" This made Bill stand up from his desk."What about the gun?" The demon swallowed before he spoke."Its missing." Bill turns completely the red."What!" He yells grabbing the demon by the throat. "You had one damn job! How does waste of space like you screw that up!?" He growls but even more demonic.

"Bill your going to kill him!" I try pushing Bill off, but I'm to weak like I've always been."Bill please!" But Bill didn't move. His grip just kept getting tighter and tighter around the demons neck.
"Pl-ease Ma-ster." He begged but Bill still didn't let up. I try even harder to push him till it was to late. He dropped the demon. He fell to the ground with a thump. He didn't move any more. His face was pale. I turned to face Bill but he was fixing his clothes."Bill!" I yell "You didn't have to kill him!" He didn't respond for a moment."Of course I did he screwed up and he got punished fir it." He said walking out the door."Now come along pine tree. I need to know who took my gun." I didn't move for a moment. I just stared at the dead demon in front of me.
"Pine tree." I sighed "I'm coming"

"Now one of you had to see who did it damn it!" Bill yells at the small group if demons who were suppose to watch after the gun. The just looked at each other with fear not saying a word."Your all dieing any ways so spill it." One spoke up."It was Tad." The girl next to him nodded in agreement."He holds us he's it will all be his soon." That line again, he said the same thing at the party that night. Bills right he's up to no good.

"Tad!" Bill growled slamming his fist once again."I'm going to kill him!" The demons jumped back in fear. Bill flipped over a table. "Master clam down." Bill turns to face the demon who spoke."What did you say?" The demon had regent all over his face."I-I said y-ou sh-should probably c-lam d-down." He stuttered out.

Bill just glared at him for a moment before striking him with a fist. He flew across the room hitting the wall hard. The other demons gasped."Pine tree dear?" I blushed a little."Yes?" His glared disappeared when he turned to look at me. But I knew even with that fake smile he was down right pissed."Will you wait up in our room? I'll be there in a second darling." I nodded and before I left I could see Bill's smile quickly the disappear.

I lead in the bed with my legs pulled up to my chest. I jumped a little at someone petting my hair. I could feel their breath on my neck."Your so beautiful.~" I froze in ny place that definitely want Bill."I see why Bill like a pretty thing like you." He chucks."But soon you'll be all mine." The bed sheets were in my balled up fist. I try holding back the tears. Right when I was going to yell for someone he covered my mouth."Know know we wouldn't want someone to ruin all our fun now would we?" I shaked in place. I was scared as hell and no one would come and help me.
I gasped when his tongue licked at my earlobe down the side of my neck.

Please someone help!

I shut my eyes tight. He chuckled when I flinched at the sound of his voice. "Your not scared of me now are you baby?~" I didn't answer I was way to scared to even move. My eyes shot open when I felt him pull at my shorts."No." I whimper out. "To bad." He said but before he could take my shorts off the door opened and there stood Bill."What the matter pine tree?"
What's the matter! I turn over slowly to see no one. I sat up rubbing the tears away. Bill pulled my hands away, holding on to my wrist. His eye looking in to mine. After a moment I looked away."Pine tree, what happen?" I shook my head."Pine tree!" He growled holding tighter on my wrist."Ow, Bill that hurts." "Then tell me what happened!" He yelled."Nothing happened!" I lied."Don't lie to me I know you pine tree your upset! What happen!" I try pulling out of his grip. "Why won't you leave me alone!" I yell. He growled."Because your mine! You belong to me!" His grip tighten again. "Ow, Bill please let go!" The tears rolled down my cheeks. Bill pushed me on the bed."Fine I'll leave you alone. You don't get dinner tonight since you want me to leave you alone!" He yelled slamming the door. I fell crying on my pillows, soon falling asleep.

I truly do hate him no matter what he says!
You guys probably don't care but!
I was on YouTube watching yaoi pictures and I was reading the comments and one person was like "its rude you just take my artworks like that and don't ask." I agree. I use a lot of picture so if I take one of your I'm sorry I'm not stealing it and thanks for the picture anyway. Well that's all bye! Love you and comment on the new chapter!

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