Let's Party

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Dipper p.o.v

"Your going to do as I say when I say." Bill says to me, arms cross. "And if any other demons so happens to touch you, talk to you in a inappropriate way or look at you to long you tell me and I rip them apart." He says turning a bit red. I find this a little cute. The way he so over protective of me. "You understand?" I nod.
"I'm serious pine tree." He brushes his fingers on my cheek in a loving manner. "These are demons from hell. Their sure to pull something." I nodded again.
Bill decided to throw a party. Full of the top level demons,music, food, and of course alcohol. The top level demons are powerful demons but not as powerful as Bill. That's what he said. The lower do the toppers bidding. That's their only perhaps.

"Let's do this." Bill says holding out his arm for me to take. Which I did. We walk out the door to the crazy party. I couldn't help but love the feeling of being wrapped in his arms. I think I might be falling for Bill after all. God,it really is the end of the damn world. Before we entered Bill told me quickly. "And make sure to watch out for Tad." His grip around me tighten." He may be a close friend of mine but he's a total bastard."

When we walked in the room every one stop and stared at us. After a moment someone in the crowd yells "Bill!" And ever one cheers. A grin appeared on his face. As the cheering slowed down Bill decided to speake but he had only one thing to say.
"How's ready to party!" They cheer and roar once more.

Bill pulled me to a group of people well demons."Bill!" A girl with big boobs yells with glee. She wear a pink tight dress. "Hey, bill." A other one greet him."Who said you can call me by my name. Its master to you." Bill smirked, then let out a little laugh. His friends laughed a long. "Holy Shit!" The pink dress lady yells in the top of her lungs."Who is this cutie!" I blushed a little knowing she was talking about me. When she went to go touch me Bill pulled me away. "He's mine!" Bill growled. Sending chills down ever body's backs.

The pink dress lady nodded and mumbled something under her breathe."Bill, it's about time you through a party." A guy wearing a blue suite change the subject. Bills frown disappeared and placed with a smirk. "Yeah, we all knew that you'd be the one to take over this shit hole of a plant." Bill chuckled at that. "Well, your right on that. I'm sorry to leave but I'm a bit thirsty. If you would excuse me." They nodded in understandment. Bill dragged me to the bar. We were haft way their till someone stepped in front of us. "Bill, just the guy I was looking for!" A man in purple said."Tad." Bill said gritting his teeth."What have you been up to?" Tad grin seem to grow."Nothing really." Bill stared at him for a moment with a glare. "Listen to me Tad and listen good. If you try to pull something so help me I will not hold back this time. I will pull your heart out from your throat!" Bill growled. Tad just stood there with a small smirk."Do you understand me Tad?" Bill gritted his teeth again. He nodded not dropping that smirk. Bill dragged me past Tad. He grabbed my shoulders and whispers "It will all be mine soon." I turn around to see Tad gonna. Bill kept pulling me to the bar. That line repeated in my head over and over again. I didn't need to know Tad to know that he was up to no good.

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