This is what you want it.

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Dipper p.o.v

What have I done! This is all my fault! "Please Bill! I didn't mean what I said!" I was regretting everything now, I wish I've done what I was told. Their no way I can beat Bill,ever. He's taken over the damn world for Pete sake!

One of bills servants rolled over a shiny silver cart with all kind of tools. Bill slipped off his black silky gloves replacing them with white plastic gloves. He reached for a tool, a hammer. Slowly he walk to my strapped sister. I could see the fear in her once sparkly brown eyes. She trys so hard not to show it, but fails. The tears building up, about to pour out on to her warm red checks. O, mable what have I done?

"We will never give up! We will fight till the---!" Mabel screamed in pain as she was cut off by the hammer hitting her leg with a strong focus. "Mable!" Me and Stan yell at the same time. I ran to her side but was stopped. Out of no where there were blue chains wrapped around my ankle making me fall. "Now Now dippy we wouldn't want you to ruin the fun now would we." He grinned. The next thing he said made my hole body hurt, it made me want to scream, but it was true in a way. I did break the deal. "This is what you wanted . You said the deal was off remember?" I did, I did say that but I take it back now then ever. "Please Bill, I am sorry I won't disobey you again. Please have mercy!" I begged. His grin seem to grow at the sound of me begging. He licked his lips, setting his hammer down before he bend down next to me, putting his lips right next to my ear. "When you beg and ask for mercy it really turns me on pine tree." He whispered in my ear. licked my earlobe making me gasp in surprise. He chuckled, wrapping his hands around my hips. "Bill, please not here." Blushing I looked away, my face was turned back around by two fingers under my chin. I meet golden eyes that all ways seem to get my attention.

Was I starting to feel something for bill? NO! No way.

I push Bill shoulder, but he wouldn't move. "Pine tree, I know you love me deep inside. Your just to scared, I mean I would if I were you but it's all right." He pull me into his lap, I've never seen this side of Bill. It was sweet and gentle, I liked it.

"Pine tree I love you with all of my demon heart, and I never felt this way towards any one and never will. I just love you only you."

"Don't listen to him Dipper! Can't you see hes just lieing." Ford yelled, which he was strapped next to Mabel. I was confused and scared. I just don't know what to do?

"YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Bill growled, gripping on to me tighter. "Maybe I need to rip out your tongue, since you think you can talk to me in that way!"

Bill pushes off of me, grabbing a new tool. He raises the knife above his head, then with full power brings it down on Ford's shoulder. Ford that out a awful scream.

You could hear the squishy sound of the blood as Bill pull the knife out slowly. He then raises knife above his head once more, and a other yell from Ford was heard. "Leave my brother alone you bastard!" Stand try pulling the straps off but failed. Bill laughed, "look who wants to join the party." He raises his knife up once more, but I could takes this no more. I had to do some thing.

"Bill wait!" To my surprise he did,looking down at me with that grin. "What is it my pine tree?"

After moments of silence, I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Let's make a deal."

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