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Dipper p.o.v

The warm sun light woken me, I pushed off the pillow to look out the window that had its black curtains pulled back. Looking out the windows I realized that it wasn't the warms sun, in fact the sun was no where to be seen. The sky was full of red and fear filled the air. I took a deep breathe remember yesterday. Ever part, but the part that stuck out the most is that I could never see my family again.

The door opened snapping me out if my thoughts, I look up to see a small lady wearing a maid outfit. Probably one of Bills servants I thought. "Master Bill is waiting for you my queen." I groan at being called queen. I better get use to it, I sighed.

I follow her to Bills location. We stopped at a brown wood door like the rest. She opened it and before she left she bowed.

I walk in to see Bill sitting on a traditional sofa with a wine glass in his hand. I slowly walk over to him. He smiles and pats the spot next to him. When I sat down he pulled me under his arm. "I have a surprise for you." Fear flooded in. I was being to freak out. "W-what is it." I asked in a small voice.

"O, you will love it." He took a sip of his wine. My heart was racing and I was getting nervous. After he finished his wine he set the glass down. "Are you ready for your surprise pine tree?" I nodded slowly unsure.

He smashed his lip on to mine. I try to pull away but he held the back of my head so I would move. I held my moan in the best I could, but fail as he bit my bottom lip making me gasp. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth. It tasted like wine as it swirled around in my mouth, not leaving a spot it hasn't touch.

Bill snaked his hand up my shirt. Breaking our kiss he moved to my neck sucking till he found my damn sweet spot. Which caused me to moan out. I wanted to hate this but I couldn't. I just couldn't. Bill roughly pushed me down on the soft sofa. He began to remove my shirt but before I could protest it was all ready off.

He went back to my neck trailing down to my chest till he reached my v-line. I gasp when he tugged on my shorts.

He pull back to admire his work. He loved the sight in front of him. He looked down to the bulge in my shorts and smirks. "Well, pine tree I didn't know you loved this that much. Such a naughty pine tree." I blush even darker, closing my legs to hide it the best I could. He laughs at my embarrassment.

He pushes my leg back open. "It's nothing to be upset about pine tree." He kisses the tip of my nose. "It's cute" I try pushing him way but it didn't work. Bill growl at this. He moved back to my chest, licking one of my nipple and playing with the other one. I tryed my best not to moan till I had a enough. "Bill~" my moan fill the room.

"I want more of that sound." Bill said ripping off my shorts. I gasp holding on to the end of the sofa. Bill bend down kissing my member inside my boxer. My blush spread like wild fire. "Bill please." He smirked looking up between my legs. "What was that pine tree." He backs a way form his spot which caused me to whimper from lost of touch. "Is there so thing you like to tell me?" He places his hand on my member and pumps. I arched my back moaning once again. "Bill please!~" I couldn't take it! I needed him to touch me!

"Plaese what?" He asked pumping my member faster. A tiny bit of droll pour out of the side of my mouth. "Bill touch me please~." I moan hearing it echo throughout the room. Bills grin seem to grow. "As you wish my queen." And before I knew it Bill had my boxers on the floor with the rest of my clothes.

He began pumping be slowing down and then speeding up. He was teasing me! "B-Bill stop t-teasing m-me." I managed to get out through all the panting. He chuckled. "Sorry it's just so fun." I glared at him the best I could.

My glare turn into wide eyes when I felt bills mouth on the head of my member. I gasp at the strange feeling.

I grabbed the edge of the sofa harder. "A-ah Bill~" Bill shoved my hole member into his mouth. His tongue was so warm. I grabbed his blonde hair pushing him down.

I tryed my best no to cum. Right when I felt like I was about to Bill pulled away leaving me a hot mess. I panted, eyes shut tightly as I try to get my breath. My eyes shot open at the sound of a zipper. I look up to see Bill undoing his black pants, his member hanging out. I close my eyes once more, with red blush on my cheeks. Bill giggled as he removes his pants.

"Are you ready pine tree." I heard Bill whispered next to my ear. I shook my head no. I was done with this. "Well, to bad." Before I could protest his lips were on mine. I fell into it moving my lips with his. I gasp when I felt his member on me. He took this chance to slip his warm tongue in to my mouth.

He pull back sticking two fingers in front of my face. "Suck." he demands. I do what I'm told. He moves his fingers around in my mouth, till eventually he pulls them out. A trail of saliva hung on his two fingers and my mouth. He wrapped the saliva around his fingers.

He kissed my forehead before sticking his fingers in my entrance. "N-nuh~" I felt like I was going to rip of the end of the sofa. My knuckles turned white, as I tryed not to scream.

Bill began doing a scissor motion with his fingers. "Ah~ b-bill~" he kisses my cheek. "I all most done." He purred. He pull his fingers out and placed with his member.

He pushes into me, causing me to arch my back. He didn't let me get use to the feeling instead he started to thrust hard and fast.
"Ah~ faster~" he did as I asked, going faster.

I was losing it! This felt great, I want more. I begged for more, moaning loudly. Then I could hold it in any longer. I cum all over my thighs and Bills chest. I panted, frightening to catch my breath. Not long after Bill did the same, cuming inside me.

Right when I think we're done Bill kisses my lips hungrily, I didn't have a enough energy to follow his lips. "O, pine tree were not ever close to finish." He purred in my ear.

"That's just half of you surprise." He said with a smirk. I gave a confused face. "W-what do y-you mean?" His dark laugh filled the room. "This is a special type of sex." His smirk grew from my confusion. "Wh-what do you mean by that?" I asked uneasy. He moved slowly down next to my ear. His lips very close, as he purred

"I'm making you immortal."


"I'm done."
---Falls on the ground---
"hope you like it."
--- collapse---

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