The Golden Eye Door

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~~~~Little smut~~~~

Dipper p.o.v

It was Friday and the time was 8:00. I laid on the big king size bed, looking up at the ceiling. The thought of last night on repeat. I look back at the clock,


I sighed. Bill left for business. I asked what was it about but he just told me I shouldn't stick my pretty nose in stuff that doesn't concern me. He's up to no good, surprise surprise. I rolled my eyes.


It's been a whole week now. Of hell I mean. Bill breaking the rift and take over the God damn world! Part of me wants to give up and the other knows that he has won. And a small part of me doesn't even care, it loves it. It loves that Bill has won. But I push that part of me way down.
I had to get to that door. That was my number one priority. I had to see what was behind it. I had to know what was Bill hiding form me. And I had to do it now.


I jump up off the bed. My hand now on the door knob. I hesitated before I turned the knob all the way. I open the door to see two buff guys. Both of them wearing suits and ties.

"sorry, my queen but master told us not to let you out, no matter what." The one on the right said the one on the left nodded in a agreement. I let out a sigh, I need to get pass them but how?

I thought about it then a idea came to mind. It probably won't even work. But what choice do I have. I need to get to that door. "Um, I saw a spider. Will you kill it for me?" I asked the two buff man. They both looked a each other before walking in. "Where is it my queen?" I rolled my eyes. "Over there." I pointed to the far end of the room."

"I don't see it." His partner says

"Keep looking." I said before slamming the door on the two and locking it. "Shit" one of the man cursed behind the door. I giggled at myself. How stupid do you got to be. And dose it really take to man to kill a spider?


"Plaese where begging you. If master find out that we fail he will be pissed-" the other one finished his sentence. "And torture us to no end." The both begged. Of course I feel bad but I'm still curious. I swallowed the small lump in my throat. I made a decision.

"I'm sorry but I have to see what Bill's hiding. I promise I will be back before he comes back." Their begging became louder. I ignored them as I walked down the hallway with curiosity burning in my eyes.


I finally reach the door. I grabbed the handle and twisted the knob but to no surprise was it lucked! Damn it! What am I going to do now? "My queen?" I groan at being called queen. I turn to see the lady that first showed me to my room. The same chubby woman with the symbol in her eye. "What are you doing out of your room? And without being supervised !" I try thing of a lie on the top of my head.


"Bill wants me to get something out of his study room!" I said all to quickly and loud for that matter. She titled her head a bit and lifted a brow. "That does make sense master told me never to let any one in this room." I swallowed the lump from earlier. "Um, well..." I didn't know what to say or do! "Well, if you say so." She pulls out a key form her pocket. "Master only has one key to this room. And I was on my way to returning it." She says unlocking the door." Thank you." She bows and walks away. Well that was easy. "I will just tell master that your get what he need in his study room." She said haft way down the hall way. My stomach dropped. I guess I spoke to soon. Damn it.


"Um, you don't have to do that." She turns around tilting her head again. "I sorry but it's my job-" I interrupt her. "I don't care what your job is. I'm your queen and I said you don't have to do that." She was a bit taken back I was to. I had to get inside that room with out any problems. "Yes, my queen." She bows once more before leaving. Damn people say queen way to much to me. Then again I am the queen. I shrugged


Finally, I opened the door and this time it actually opened. Yes, I said to myself. It was pitch black I couldn't see a thing. I looked for a light switch. My hand going along the wall like a blind person. Finally after a while I found it. I turn around to see madness.

There was a wooden desk and around it bookshelfs, inside the walls and around the hole room. But what stuck out was two things. There was board full of papers and writing. And there was a safe in the book shelf.


I walked over to the white board. It had a map taped on it with pin marked ever where. "What the hell?" I said out loud. In the corner was a picture of a gun. A small gun. It had something written on it to. In small latter's it had the words fine di tutto craved on the handle of the gun. I titled my head in confusion. I shook it off, I will just have to find out what that means latter.


Next I walk over to the safe. I try a couple of times twisting the knob. I then placed my ear on the safe as I twist the knob till I hear the click. Good thing I have great hearing. I open the safe to find..... nothing?


"Do you really think I would be that stupid as to leave the one thing that could kill me in there." I turned to see Bill and he looked pissed alright. Arms crossed over his chest. "B-Bill I can explain." I mumbled, standing up quickly. He shook his head. "Damn, pine tree why can't you behavior." He said walking in the room and shutting the door. I started backing up when the door closed. "Eternity is going to be a bitch if you keep doing shit like this." He growled, which made me jump.


Then a smirk spread across his face. "But it's ok." He said in a clam voice. "Y-your not m-mad?" Dark laughing filled the room. "No, I'm not mad." His smirk dropped. "Just pissed!" He yells. I backed up into the big desk. I had no where else to go!


Bill jumped on me, pushing my body down on to the wood desk. His smirk appears once again. "You want to know what your punishment is?" He whispered in my ear. Part of me want to know but the other was way to sacred. He licked my neck, his tongue warm and wet. When he found a spot on my neck he began to suck. A little moan escaped, I bit my lip hard. He pulled down my shirt trailing down my chest.

"Well, your a about to find out." He purred in my ear. I pushed on his shoulder, but he didn't move a inch. He licked my earlobe. I could he his dark laugh echo in my head.


He slipped his hand down my pants and boxers. When his hand touched my member I gasped.


He began pumping me, in fast pace. I couldn't hold in my moan. I let them out filling the room. "Ah~" I wanted more. He starts to slow down. Then he would speed up. It was killing me.


"Someone's a little horny." Bill chuckles. I blush as I hide my face, burying it in his shoulder.

He pulls his hand out which causes me to whimper out of loss of touch. Damn I hate him.


"T-tell me why you are looking for that gun." I said looking at the ground. I was a little out of it still and there was now a bulge showing in my pants. Bill sigh "I'm not looking for it." I titled my head. "I've found it all ready." "Then what's with the-" he cut me off. "Here's what I'm going to tell you." He brushes his blonde soft hair back.


"One: I have the gun locked away some where. Two: The gun is the one thing that can stop me. Three: It has one bullet left and it's going to stay that way."

More questions flooded in my head. But Bill told me what he wanted me to know. And that's all the answer your getting.


Bill and me walked back in to our room. I told him not to hurt the two men. He agreed, with a smirk. He's probably lieing to me again. We went to bed. And before Bill drifted in to sleep he whispered "Stop getting into trouble or bad things will happen to you."

Bad things?


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