So, this is my new life?

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It's terrible watching him sit there laughing at all the misery he's causing. Bill sat in his new palace looking down and laughing at everybody crying for help, begging, and people being ripped apart. Some of the demons were even teasing the poor people. They would rip a eye out and pass it around or hide it and make them find their eye.

I was going to throw up. But I pushed it back down. "Isn't this lovely, pine tree?" I wasn't going to answer that question instead I looked away from the horrible site. "Answer me when I talk to you."

"No." I said in a whisper. "What?" I made a Tsk sound with my tongue. "I SAID NO! THIS IS MESSED UP BILL! STAN AND FORD WILL STOP YOU!" I yelled with tears slowly pouring out.

Bills hand print was over red on my left cheek. All I could do is lightly touched my burning cheek, with my mouth open. "Don't ever raise your voice to me. And your world is over. Its mine now. You don't have to like it but it's the truth." I tried to hold the tears, but it hurt so bad. I just stare at the gray marble floor. "I won't make you watch if you don't want to." He turn to his side, were a couple servant stood. He got one of their attention by waving his hand. A fat women with short hair came running. You could tell she wasn't human. Her eye were all balck with a red symbol in the middle. "Take him up to our room." She nodded. "This way sugar." I followed her out of two double doors and down a hallway. That had red carpet. We walk past many doors but one cought my eye. It was wooden and brown like the other doors but this one had a golden eye on it. Bills eye. His eye. "Excuse me, What in this room?" I said pointing to the mysterious door. She looked down at the red carpet trying to find the right words to tell me. Because if she said something she wasn't supposed to, she would mostly likely end up dead.

"Its-well-" you could tell aggravated, and just want to come out and says it. "Its master Cipher study room." She said not making eye contact. "Ok." I knew better. Bill was hiding something, in that room. I will have to find out. But later.

We came to a other brown door, but it had a small eye and the words:

king Cipher and Queen Cipher

In golden latters. I rolled my eyes.
She open the door for me, and before she shut the door she bowed. Leaving me alone. I looked around the room. It had a big window on the side, with black curtains that blocked most of the moon light that try to come in. There also was two yellow and black royal couches next to a fire place on the other side of the window. In the middle of the run was a bid king size bed. With silkly yellow and black bed sheets. In front of the bed pushed up against the wall was a tiny drawers with a gray digital clock. Which read 8:59.

Then I realize how tired I really was. I kicked of my sneakers and plopped down on the soft bed, letting my face hit the pillows.

As I slowly drifted off to sleep. I heard the door open. But I was to sleepy to even move. "Good night my precious pine tree. You will have good dreams I will make sure of that." And I felt a small kiss on my forehead.

I did have good dreams. I just wish they were more then just dreams.

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