Graceful Wings

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I've always hated walking in the dark.

I've always hated walking in the dark when it's raining.

I've always hated walking in the dark when it's fucking raining and I'm all alone.

This was usual to me. I walked home from work. In the dark. And I always tend to forget to bring a flash light with.

My name is Myla. I'm 16 years old. I live with my granny. I never met my parents, so I know a little about them. I go to work so I could support my granny and I, because her pension wasn't big enough to support us both.

My granny's name is Tamesis. I don't really know her age, but she said she's 25, because women don't age after their 25. She's really loving.

All I know about my parents was that I look exactly like my dad. I also know that my mother's name is Darcie and father’s is Raven. Grandma also told me that Darcie, Raven and I have identical necklaces. I always have mine on, because then I feel close to my parents. It somehow made me feel safe.

“Hey you!” someone suddenly interrupted my thoughts.

“Maybe I should run,” I quickly thought to myself.

“There's no point in running away, I'll catch you anyway,” the guy said. I turned around to face him.

“Are you sure?” I asked him, fearlessly, ”I'm the fastest runner in this town.”

“Oh, really?” he seemed surprised, “you might run fast, but I didn't say anything about running.”

“You didn't?” I chuckled, ”What are you going to do? Spread your wings and fly to catch me, huh?”

“That's exactly what I'm going to do,” he smiled wickedly.

“What are you? A freak with wings?,” I smirked, “Funny, I can't see your wings here. Maybe you forgot them home?”

“You're quite funny for a human,” he laughed humorlessly.

“Who said I'm a human. Maybe I'm a mutant or UFO in human form?”

“You smell like human, so you must be one,” he said.

“Wow, what are you? A werewolf?” I asked.

“No,” he shook his head, “I can't even bark.”

“Now where are your wings at? You said you could fly... but I don't really believe you,” I told him.

Before I could say anything else, he spread his wings. His wings were black and graceful.

“Shit,” I hissed, turned around and started to run away. I made turns to left and right, while speeding up. I kept running until I found myself in dead end.

“Crap,” I cried to myself, ”Why does this fucking wall have to be here?”

I turned around to see if that freak had managed to fallow me. But I couldn't see him. Suddenly I noticed a dumpster in front of the wall.

“Maybe I could hide in there,” I thought to myself and got into it, ”Eww, it smells in here. I hope he doesn't find me here... He has wings? I thought he was kidding. I mean, no human has wings... Unless he's not human... Oh, Lord! He's not human! I hope he doesn't kill me... It fucking smells in here. I think I'm getting sick in here... If I have to be here few more minutes, I'll be puking rainbow like a freaking Nyan cat.”

“You have to be a Nyan cat to puke rainbow,” I heard a deep voice saying, “And there's no point in hiding in a dumpster, I know you're there.”

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