Graceful Wings (11)

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*Damien's POV*

I felt fear. Now that she was a princess, maybe I wasn't good enough for her. I was just an ordinary fallen angel, I wasn't a royalty. She was a princess to both - fallen and holy angels. That made her like a double royalty.

I was sure there were better men out there for her. They were also in higher position.

“What if she doesn't want me anymore?” I asked myself.

No one answered. “Guess the voices in my head are not home.”

“Damien?” Myla called my name, “Is everything OK?”

Quickly I collected myself. “Yeah, I'm fine.”

“Are you sure?” she asked, “Because you just spaced out.”

“Don't worry about it, darling,” I told her and pulled her in for a kiss. 

I loved the feeling of her lips against mine. Actually, I loved the feeling of her body against mine. I loved her scent, her hair, her voice. Her everything. I loved her.

I pulled away and looked deeply into her eyes.

“I know this might be a little early for this, but,” I paused and heard Myla's heart starting to beat faster, “I love you.”

* *Myla's POV*

Tonight was the night I was babysitting Pamela. Or Pammy, as she prefers. Today, her short hair was braided into small braids. I was quite sure she wanted her hair to go wavy, because that's what I used to do to myself. Of course, Damesis helped me with the braids. Back then, I hated my straight hair, because everyone had some kind of waves in their hair and I didn't. But now I totally adore my long straight hair.  

I looked at the time. It was almost 7 pm.  

I held my hand out for Pammy.

“Come on, Pammy, it's dinner time.”  

She took my hand and we left her room.  

“What's for dinner?” she asked me as we walked down the stairs.  

“I don't know, Muffin,” I shrugged.  

“I'm not a muffin,” she exclaimed.  

“But if you were one, you'd make a really cute one,” I patted her head, “The cutest Muffin in the world.”  

In the kitchen I made sure she sat in her chair properly and sat down against her. Since I wasn't hungry, I just sat there. As I watched her eat, I thought about Damien. I wasn't sure if his confession was too much or a relief for me. It was rather a relief, because that meant he was going to stand by my side. I wasn't sure if I loved him back, because I hadn't felt love before. Well, I had loved my grandma Damesis, but that was different.  

Even if I did love him, I knew that I at least cared deeply for him. But there still was a chance I loved him. Maybe I was in love. I had no idea. I had no idea what love was.  

“Myla!” Pamela pulled me out of my thoughts, “Let's play with Barbies!”  

I stood up and took her hand, smiling. She was so young. Her life was so much easier. The hardest decision for her was probably which cryon to pick when it came to drawing. Or which outfit she should her Barbie wear. I wished I could live like her.

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